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Thematic Studies In Bible Basics. Lesson 5 Ù The Old & New Covenants Passages That Address The 2 Covenants… 2 Cor 3:2-14 Notice the “terms of identification”

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1 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics


3 Lesson 5 Ù The Old & New Covenants Passages That Address The 2 Covenants… 2 Cor 3:2-14 Notice the “terms of identification” - “Letter” - “Ministry of Death” - “Ministry of Condemnation” 1st Covenant2nd Covenant - “Spirit” - “Ministry of the Spirit” - “Ministry of Righteousness”

4 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 5 Ù The Old & New Covenants Passages That Address The 2 Covenants… 2 Cor 3:2-14 The 2 covenants are compared on various criteria: Ê Upon what they were written v. 3 1st Covenant on tablets of stone; 2nd Covenant on human hearts Ë Their purpose v. 6 1st Covenant “kills”; 2 nd Covenant “gives life”

5 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 5 Ù The Old & New Covenants Passages That Address The 2 Covenants… 2 Cor 3:2-14 The 2 covenants are compared on various criteria: Ì Their shades of glory vv. 7-11, 13 1st Covenant had “glory” seen in Moses’ face after he communed with God…it eventually faded; 2nd Covenant has “more glory”…a “surpassing glory” found only in Christ

6 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 5 Ù The Old & New Covenants Passages That Address The 2 Covenants… Gal 3:1-2, 10-29 “Receiving the Spirit” will not come through works of the Law, but only through the “hearing of faith” v. 2 Attempting to gain salvation, justification through a Law system only brings a “curse”…the curse of “perfection” vv. 10-14

7 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 5 Ù The Old & New Covenants Passages That Address The 2 Covenants… Gal 3:1-2, 10-29 The promise of salvation actually precedes the Law given through Moses vv. 16-18 This “promise” was eventually realized “when the Seed” came, or “when faith came” vv. 19-23a Until such a time, the Law was a “tutor” to lead us to Christ vv. 23b-29

8 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 5 Ù The Old & New Covenants Passages That Address The 2 Covenants… Gal 4:21-31 Paul uses an “inspired allegory” to illustrate the danger of the Galatians heeding Judaizing teachers Centers around the 2 sons of Abraham Gen 16, 21 One “according to the flesh” v. 23a The other “through the promise” v. 23b

9 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 5 Ù The Old & New Covenants Passages That Address The 2 Covenants… Gal 4:21-31 Hagar = “bondwoman”…Mt. Sinai…“present Jerusalem” Ù The Law (1st Covenant) vv. 22, 25 Sarah = “freewoman”…“Jerusalem above” Ù The Gospel (2 nd Covenant) vv. 22, 26 Christians are like Isaac…“children of promise” v. 28

10 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 5 Ù The Old & New Covenants Passages That Address The 2 Covenants… Gal 4:21-31 Sarah gave instructions re: Ishmael when he began to persecute Isaac vv. 29-30 cp. Gen 21:9-13 Paul then applies this statement “Cast out the bondwoman” to the Galatians re: the doctrine the Judaizing teachers were presenting v. 31

11 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 5 Ù The Old & New Covenants Passages That Address The 2 Covenants… Eph 2:14-16 Paul discusses “peace” re: Gentiles & Jews Gentiles were once “outsiders” & “strangers” to the covenants of the promise v. 12 Yet, all who are “afar off” (Gentiles) were brought near by the blood of Christ v. 13

12 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 5 Ù The Old & New Covenants Passages That Address The 2 Covenants… Eph 2:14-16 In His death, Jesus broke down the dividing wall between Jews & Gentiles…a “wall” of “enmity …the “Law of commandments & ordinances” vv. 14-15 Two groups of people previously separated by the 1st Covenant are now “reconciled in one body to God” v. 16

13 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 5 Ù The Old & New Covenants Passages That Address The 2 Covenants… Eph 2:14-16 Notice both Jews & Gentiles were adversely affected by the Law (1st Covenant) Jews were “locked up in sin” Gal 3:23 Gentiles were “locked out in sin” Eph 2:12

14 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 5 Ù The Old & New Covenants Passages That Address The 2 Covenants… Col 2:14-17 A parallel passage to Eph 2:14-16 Dead ones are “made alive” through God’s forgiveness because of Christ’s D/B/R vv. 11-13 Christ cancelled out the “certificate of debt” (Law) that was “hostile” & “contrary” to man (both Jew & Gentile) v. 14

15 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 5 Ù The Old & New Covenants Passages That Address The 2 Covenants… Col 2:14-17 This “certificate of debt” was “taken out of the way” by being “nailed to His cross” v. 14 Imagery of something being paid As a result, the Law should no longer be used as a basis for judgment vv. 16-17

16 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 5 Ù The Old & New Covenants Passages That Address The 2 Covenants… Col 2:14-17 The things mandated and spoken of in the Law were only “a shadow of the things to come” under the 2nd Covenant v. 17 cp. Heb 8:5 10:1

17 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics

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