November 19 th WBI-PCF Training Session. World Bank November 19 th WBI-PCF Training Session. World Bank Impact of Carbon Finance on Project Financing November.

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Presentation on theme: "November 19 th WBI-PCF Training Session. World Bank November 19 th WBI-PCF Training Session. World Bank Impact of Carbon Finance on Project Financing November."— Presentation transcript:

1 November 19 th WBI-PCF Training Session. World Bank November 19 th WBI-PCF Training Session. World Bank Impact of Carbon Finance on Project Financing November 19th, 2001

2 Features of the PCF Closed-end Mutual Fund structure with diverse portfolio to: Minimize Project Risks Reduce Transactions Costs Enhance the Learning Experience Shareholding: Governments, $10 m; Companies, $5 m Total Capital: US$145 million to be used in ~ 30 projects PCF Products: –Competitively priced, high quality emissions reductions target portfolio wide outcome price: ~$5/tCO2 ($20/tC) target deal price: $2.5-3.5/tCO2 (~$9-12tC) –High value knowledge asset: create competitive advantage for corporate investors and efficient market regulation and leverage for sustainable development for Parties

3 Public Sector (6) Governments of Netherlands, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Canada, and Japan Bank for International Cooperation Private Sector: (17) RWE - Germany, Gaz de France, Tokyo Electric Power, Deutsche Bank, Chubu Electric, Chugoku Electric, Kyushu Electric, Shikoku Electric, Tohoku Electric, Mitsui, Mitsubishi, Electrabel, NorskHydro- Norway, Statoil -Norway, BP-Amoco, Fortum, RaboBank, NL PCF Subscribers ($145 million)

4 Impact of Carbon Finance on Project Financing at $3/t CO2e Technology  IRR Energy Eff.-District Heating 2.0 Wind 0.9-1.3 Hydro 1.2-2.6 Bagasse 0.5-3.5 Biomass with methane kick Up to 5.0 Municipal Solid Waste with methane kick >5.0 Note: data are preliminary Project, Not Equity, FIRR.


6 Waste-to-Energy project : Chennai, India, MSW Gasification of solid waste 15 MW plant, 95 GWh/ann, $38m cost ERs from: –Power generation displacing fossil fuel (40%) –Methane capture & conversion (60%) Project IRR Equity IRR Without carbon finance14% 16% With carbon finance>19% > 25% Impact of Carbon Finance on Project Financing at $3/t CO2e

7 AnnualUganda 1-7MW Costa Rica Chile 25MW Mini-Hydro off-grid grid ERs (000 t) 49 61 79-138* Net Gen.(GWh) 30 75 160 CO2 ERs/GWh1664 807 494-860 ER (USc/kWh) 0.50 0.24 * Gas vs. 0.15-0.26 coal BL Hydro: Off-grid vs. Grid

8 Methane-capture projects: carbon finance can turn “dogs” into “cash cows” “Traditional” renewables: boost return by 0.5-2.5% –Makes some marginal deals bankable; –Creates a useful additional risk hedge for already profitable deals –Can displace ODA and Government subsidy in some projects Quantity of carbon finance is only half the story: The leverage of carbon finance on financial closure is disproportional to volume of carbon finance Impact of Carbon Finance: Quality and Quantity (at $3/t CO2e)

9 Annexes

10 Typology of Funds/Plays Pure Carbon Funds (PCF, National Funds) Private Equity Funds  Aimed at JI/CDM Projects  New Energy, RE, EE Funds with Carbon Credits  Forestry Funds with Carbon Credits  Energy or Forestry Funds that Could Add Carbon Credits Mutual Funds with % in Private Equity NGO Funds Sustainability, Social, Ethical Mutual funds Corporate “Funds” Earmarked for Carbon Credit Investment

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