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Costa’s Levels of Inquiry. Levels of Questioning/Inquiry Level one – comprehension  List, define, repeat, describe, name, label, recall, memorize, identify.

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Presentation on theme: "Costa’s Levels of Inquiry. Levels of Questioning/Inquiry Level one – comprehension  List, define, repeat, describe, name, label, recall, memorize, identify."— Presentation transcript:

1 Costa’s Levels of Inquiry

2 Levels of Questioning/Inquiry Level one – comprehension  List, define, repeat, describe, name, label, recall, memorize, identify Level two – analysis  Practice, compute, translate, interpret, question, analyze, differentiate, compose, apply, illustrate Level three – evaluation  Judge, rate, choose, evaluate, measure, combine, propose, assess, imagine

3 House Analogy – Elevate your thinking! Level 3: Judge, rate, evaluate Level 2: Compare, contrast, apply Level 1: Name, recall, list

4 Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands; one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Level one: Define liberty. Level two: Analyze what “justice for all” really means. Level three: Imagine you were on a committee to reevaluate the Pledge. Would you change it or leave it the same? Explain.

5 “The Murderer” Who is the main character? Describe him (personality, quirks, etc). Analyze why he destroyed electronics. What was his intent? Contrast Brock’s emotional state in the room to that of the psychiatrist. What are the differences? Compare and contrast our current society to that of Brock’s. On page 3, the psychiatrist says, “The majority rules” about halfway down the page. To what extent do you agree with this statement? To what extent do you agree with Brock’s actions?

6 Classwork/Homework Create at least one level 1, level 2, and one level 3 question. (Total of 3 questions) Your questions should be in reference to Fahrenheit 451.

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