The Battle of Gettysburg July 1 st –3 rd, 1863 Before the Battle Confederates inflicted bloody defeat on Union at Fredericksburg, VA. (12/13/62) North.

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2 The Battle of Gettysburg July 1 st –3 rd, 1863

3 Before the Battle Confederates inflicted bloody defeat on Union at Fredericksburg, VA. (12/13/62) North defeated again in the Battle of Chancellorsville, VA (April 30-May 6, 1863) General Stonewall Jackson is shot by his own men in an accident and dies of Pneumonia (May 1863)

4 Stonewall Jackson Called Stonewall because he and his troops stood strong (like a stone wall) at the 1 st Battle of Bull Run. His death was a blow to the Confederacy.


6 Reasons for the Battle Lee (Confed) decided to invade the North – pull Union forces away from the battered South – invasion in North would hurt Lincoln’s political power. – Meade (Union) ordered his men to stop Lee’s advance.


8 Day 1 Confederate soldiers went on a search for shoes in Gettysburg, got attacked by Union cavalry More began to arrive Eventually 93,000 Union and 73,000 Confederate soldiers confronted each other. Skirmishes and battles all day

9 Day 2 The Union had taken the high ground Meade put the troops into a fish hook formation. Union leaders sent Colonel Joshua L. Chamberlain and his men to defend the flank at Little Round Top. Because Chamberlain was running low on ammo, he ordered his men to attack the Confederates with fixed bayonets. This surprise attack left Confederates surrendering in droves.

10 Day 3 Lee still felt they could break the Union at the center. Lee ordered an artillery bombardment. PICKETT’S CHARGE - Longstreet, confident the bombardment had silenced Union guns, ordered Confederate troops to attack the center of the Union lines. 7500 men under Gen. Pickett marched a mile through open farm field….

11 Almost 3,000 men (about 50% of his infantry) were killed or went missing An avoidable mistake from which the Southern war effort never fully recovered psychologically.

12 After the Battle More than 23,000 Union casualties and 28,000 Confederate Casualties Lee gave up hopes of invading the North and retreated back to Virginia Lee turned in his resignation which Jefferson Davis did not accept

13 Reasons the CSA Lost Lee was too overconfident The miscalculated attempt at breaking the Union centerline with Pickett’s Charge.

14 Significance Bloodiest battle of Civil War. Turning point in the war. South was demoralized. Crippled Southern armies so badly, Lee never invaded North again

15 K2g K2g Good 4 minute video from Civilwar Trust

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