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Doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/0819r1 Submission May 2011 Tom Siep, CSRSlide 1 Text for Call for Technical Contributions Date: 2011-05-12 Authors:

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1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/0819r1 Submission May 2011 Tom Siep, CSRSlide 1 Text for Call for Technical Contributions Date: 2011-05-12 Authors:

2 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/0819r1 Submission May 2011 Tom Siep, CSRSlide 2 Abstract Review of text for requesting technical inputs for consideration by TGai Example: –11-11-0198-00-00ah-call-for-technical-contributions.docx11-11-0198-00-00ah-call-for-technical-contributions.docx

3 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/0819r1 Submission Call for submissions (1 of 3) Any individual intending to present a proposal must notify the IEEE 802.11ai Task Group chair, Hiroshi Mano, via email at by July 1 th, 2011. Presentations of introductory proposal submissions material shall be submitted to the IEEE 802.11 document server prior to July18 th, 2011 for presentation and discussion during the July IEEE 802 Wireless Plenary Final proposals and related documents shall be submitted to the IEEE 802.11 document server prior to September 9 th, 2011 for presentation and discussion during the September plenary session. Time permitting, proposals arising at or during meeting time and after the stated due dates may be allowed by the chair. May 2011 Tom Siep, CSRSlide 3

4 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/0819r1 Submission Call for submissions (2 of 3) Background information is available in the following documents in document server is available at the following location, –11-10/1152r01: Fast Initial Link Set-UP Project Authorizaiton Request – list-for-tgai.docx list-for-tgai.docx – requirements.docx requirements.docx – creating-tgai-draft.pptx creating-tgai-draft.pptx – 11-11-0811: TGai Evaluation Methodology (to be completed and approved at the July meeting) May 2011 Tom Siep, CSRSlide 4

5 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/0819r1 Submission Call for submissions (3 of 3) All presenters should be familiar with the following documents regarding IEEE policies and procedures: - IEEE Patent Policy - slideset.ppt - Patent FAQ - - LoA Form - - Affiliation FAQ - - Anti-Trust FAQ - guidelines.pdf - Ethics - - IEEE 802.11 Working Group Policies and Procedures - 802-11-policies-and-procedures.doc slideset.ppt guidelines.pdf 802-11-policies-and-procedures.doc May 2011 Tom Siep, CSRSlide 5

6 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/0819r1 Submission Straw Poll Are you in favor of issuing the call for technical input? Yes:8 No:0 Abstain:1 Month Year Tom Siep, CSRSlide 6

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