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Lead from the front Texas Nodal 1 MP10 / MP11 Registration Data Update Oct 14, 2008 TPTF.

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Presentation on theme: "Lead from the front Texas Nodal 1 MP10 / MP11 Registration Data Update Oct 14, 2008 TPTF."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lead from the front Texas Nodal 1 MP10 / MP11 Registration Data Update Oct 14, 2008 TPTF

2 Lead from the front Texas Nodal 2 Agenda MP10 Update MP11 Update –RARF –Non-Modeled Generation –PUN 168 Hour Load Profile Form –GenSite Topology Form Q&A

3 Lead from the front Texas Nodal 3 MP10 Update MP-10 – Completion of Mapping of Resources to Resource Nodes and Resources to Revenue Quality Meters RED (Missing / No Response) 9 AMBER (Feedback Required) 1 GREEN (MP Review Complete) 172 Existing Sites note that new sights are handled as part of registration 182

4 Lead from the front Texas Nodal 4 MP11 Update – RARF Screening Process

5 Lead from the front Texas Nodal 5 MP11 Update: RARF: High Level Schedule / Iterative Approach Objective = 98% Production Quality Data by 12/12/2008 85% Production Quality 95% Production Quality 98% Production Quality

6 Lead from the front Texas Nodal 6 Schedule / Process: High Level Schedule / Iterative Approach 3 Iteration will allocate the following durations for MP’s to resolve data issues: –Iteration 1 - 20 business days –Iteration 2 - 10 business days –Iteration 3 - 10 business days Process will include 3 iterations, constructed as follows: –Audit Reports sent to each RE detailing issues found on RARF’s –RE will use the email to ask interim –RE’s ERCOT Account manager will schedule a teleconference to review data and answer questions RE should not wait for teleconference to resolve data –Once RE has completed data corrections, the RARF will be resubmitted using the TML Service Request by the Authorized Rep at the RE.

7 Lead from the front Texas Nodal 7 MP11 Update – Status ERCOT ran and sent all available Audit Reports –184 of 232 Audit Reports Run and Sent 48 Remaining Reports (Load Resources) will go out 10/14/08 Of the 184 Reports sent: –60.5% agreed to teleconference with ERCOT to discuss issues 77% of these have been completed by the project team –32.0% declined a teleconference with ERCOT – 8.0% have not responded Production Data Quality –The goal for iteration 1 (10/28/08) – 85% Current quality (as of 10/3/08) = ~90% –The goal by 12/12/08 is to achieve 98% production data quality –This will go down before it goes up Load Resources not included on initial run 14% of the business rules not automated on the initial run

8 Lead from the front Texas Nodal 8 MP11 Update – Status Current Status –55 RARF’s were returned with corrections in the first week –Audit reports have been run and returned to MP as required Most Audit Reports returned are minor typos and data type issues –Will publish new production quality metric on Friday’s (10/17/08) Market Call Other Reporting: –Dash Board on the readiness center tracks primary ERCOT and MP milestones for each iteration (to the site level)

9 Lead from the front Texas Nodal 9 MP11 Update – Status Other Reporting (continued…): –URL:

10 Lead from the front Texas Nodal 10 MP11 Update – Other Activities Non-Modeled Generation –Form has been finalized by ERCOT and published in the RE registration package at: (under key docs “Generation Resource Asset Registration Forms”) –Those registering non-modeled generators with ERCOT, should have these completed and to ERCOT by November 18 th, 2008 –These forms will follow the TML service request process –This also rolls into MP11

11 Lead from the front Texas Nodal 11 MP11 Update – Other Activities PUN 168 Hour Load Profile Form –Form is being finalized (by Tuesday 10/13/08 EOB) and will be posted at: –MP’s with Private Use Networks should have these completed and to ERCOT by November 18 th, 2008 –These forms will follow the TML service request process –This also rolls into MP11

12 Lead from the front Texas Nodal 12 MP11 Update – Other Activities GenSite Topology Form –This activity will occur post Single Entry Model go-live (will coincide with TSP network model verification) Specific dates / schedule to be communicated with the integrated schedule –While TSP’s are entering NOMCR’s, RE’s will use the GenSite form to allow ERCOT to enter NOMCR’s on their behalf –This will be the final MP11 measurement –Q: why is the GenSite Topology Form separate from the RARF? A: timeline for updating resource asset data is shorter than network assets –Q: how will ERCOT prevent duplicate data entry by MP’s? A: ERCOT will migrate data provided via the RARF to the GenSite Form

13 Lead from the front Texas Nodal 13 Q&A Q&A / Open Forum

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