#1 Open Knowledge: Opening our Teaching and Learning Resources to Enable Positive Change Across the Country and Around the World Ted Hanss Director, Enabling.

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Presentation on theme: "#1 Open Knowledge: Opening our Teaching and Learning Resources to Enable Positive Change Across the Country and Around the World Ted Hanss Director, Enabling."— Presentation transcript:

1 #1 Open Knowledge: Opening our Teaching and Learning Resources to Enable Positive Change Across the Country and Around the World Ted Hanss Director, Enabling Technologies 1 March 2010 Copyright 2010 The University of Michigan. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license, visit. ADEA Annual Conference - Washington, DC

2 #2 Agenda Health Open Educational Resources (OER) Open.Michigan – dScribe – OERca Example Public Domain: Michael Reschke http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:OERlogo.svg

3 #3 Health OER Educational materials and resources offered freely and openly for anyone to use and, under some licenses, to re-mix, improve, and re-distribute [Wikipedia] Developed with and for health care providers at all levels (students to professionals) and in all disciplines

4 #4 Human Resources for Health Any long-term solution to the global health crisis requires investment in human resources. Only well-trained health providers can ensure: –Achievement of the UN’s Millennium Development Goals, –Implementation of global vaccination and medication distribution, and –Preparation for the next epidemic

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6 #6 Open.Michigan Our mission is to help faculty, enrolled students, staff, and self-motivated learners maximize the impact of their creative and academic work by making it open and accessible to the public.

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8 #8 CC: BY Garin Fons, Pieter Kleymeer characters by Ryan Junell dScribe working together toward open publish to OER site roles O.M team dScribe s lear n dScribes receive training on copyright, licensing, OER, the Open.Michigan initiative & the dScribe methodology cool! conne ct dScribes (faculty, student, or staff) connect with Open.Michigan & develop plan to collaborate clea r dScribes clear copyright & escalate difficult issues to Open.Michigan team revie w Open.Michigan team reviews material and publishes to Open.Michigan website asse ss dScribes identify & document copyright concerns, then find & create new open content Class #1 Agenda we can help. edi t dScribes make necessary edits to the material, add metadata, license info, etc. Class #1 Agenda gather & license dScribes gather & license their own content, then solicit & license content from collaborators

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10 #10 Clinton Global Initiative University Kathleen Ludewig, Matt Simpson, Nejay Ananaba

11 #11 Health OER Example

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16 #16 More info: open.umich.edu ted@umich.edu Presentation contributors include Garin Fons, Ted Hanss, Pieter Kleymeer, David Stern, Ohene Opare-Sem, Cary Engleberg External Support for the African Health OER Network is provided by the Hewlett Foundation

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