Waves NOAA OCEAN WAVESOCEAN WAVES Snowball Fight View Strategy.

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Presentation on theme: "Waves NOAA OCEAN WAVESOCEAN WAVES Snowball Fight View Strategy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Waves NOAA OCEAN WAVESOCEAN WAVES Snowball Fight View Strategy

2 I. Anatomy of a Wave  Illustrate the wave to the right.  Identify and label the following parts of a wave  Crest  Trough  Wavelength  Wave height

3 II. Wave Formation & Movement A. What causes waves?  For the most part waves form from wind.

4 B. Wave Movement 1. Ocean waves are energy traveling along between the ocean and atmosphere. 2. Energy traveling through a medium (water) 3. Water does not move with the energy. Animation of Wave Motion

5 III. Specifics of Wave Motion A. Wave period the time between the passage of two wave crests (or troughs) at a fixed point. B. Wave Speed NOAA Ocean Waves: Measure a Wave

6 IV. Types of Waves 1. Deep-water waves 2. Shallow-water waves

7 A. Deep-water waves  Deep-water waves are waves that move in water deeper than one-half their length.

8 B. Shallow-water Waves 1. Water shallower than one-half of their wavelength. 2. Waves increase in height as they approach the shore when they begin to interact with the ocean floor. NOAA: Ocean Waves: Breaking waves

9 V. Tsunami  A giant ocean wave that forms as result of a geologic event. NOAA: Ocean Waves:  2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami  Tsunami Warning System

10 VI. Tides  Tides The periodic rise and fall of the water level in the ocean and large bodies of water  Tides are caused by the interaction between the Earth, the moon, and the sun.

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