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17 th November, 2005STEREO/Solar-B Workshop 1 Related Solar Imaging and Near-Earth In-situ Observations of an ICME A. N. Fazakerley 1, L.K. Harra 1, J.L.

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Presentation on theme: "17 th November, 2005STEREO/Solar-B Workshop 1 Related Solar Imaging and Near-Earth In-situ Observations of an ICME A. N. Fazakerley 1, L.K. Harra 1, J.L."— Presentation transcript:

1 17 th November, 2005STEREO/Solar-B Workshop 1 Related Solar Imaging and Near-Earth In-situ Observations of an ICME A. N. Fazakerley 1, L.K. Harra 1, J.L. Culhane 1, L. van Driel-Gesztelyi 1, 4, 5, E. Lucek 2, S.A. Matthews 1, C.J. Owen 1, C. Mazelle 3, A. Balogh 2 and H. Rème 3. 1 Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College London 2 Imperial College, London 3 Centre d’Etude Spatiale des Rayonnements, Toulouse also at 4 Observatoire de Paris, Meudon and 5 Konkoly Observatory, Budapest Recently published by Fazakerley et al in GRL, 2005

2 17 th November, 2005STEREO/Solar-B Workshop 2 GOES 10: X-ray Light Curves We focussed on three events: A: M class flare B: Long duration C class flare  related to the ICME C: Series of three flares (GOES M – M – C) class A B C ABC 1. Solar Remote Sensing Observations

3 17 th November, 2005STEREO/Solar-B Workshop 3 (left) EIT 195 Å image of Flare B showing coronal arcade loops (right) EIT difference image showing “dimming regions” and aligned filament channel SOHO: EIT

4 17 th November, 2005STEREO/Solar-B Workshop 4 SOHO: LASCO Halo CME associated with Flare B Reconnection?

5 17 th November, 2005STEREO/Solar-B Workshop 5 Earth 43° 31° 59° 15° SOHO: LASCO Cone Model: (Michalek et al, 2003) Estimation of CME speed, (V ~ 910 km/s), cone axis orientation, point of origin, using LASCO first/last detections of CME crossing the limb

6 17 th November, 2005STEREO/Solar-B Workshop 6 Solar Wind 2. Near Earth Observations: ACE, SOHO, Genesis, Cluster & Double Star TC-1 Cluster (15,-11,5)R E GSE TC-1 (12, 3.5, -2.1)R E GSE 230 Earth Radii 20 Earth Radii ACE (230,-41,22)R E GSE Sun to Earth: 23,455 R E Genesis (243,77,51)R E GSE

7 17 th November, 2005STEREO/Solar-B Workshop 7 No shocks for a week before 22 nd Jan ACE: Magnetic Field Instrument (MFI) Jan 15 to Feb 15 2004 Significant magnetic storm at Earth

8 17 th November, 2005STEREO/Solar-B Workshop 8 Cluster: FGM, CIS Shock Normal Determination Earth X GSE n Shock normal in the GSE frame (Cluster timing analysis) n =[0.905, -0.313, -0.288] tilted at 25° to the Sun-Earth line This is consistent with the main body of the ejecta passing south and dawnward of the Earth Shock speed in the GSE frame: → 740 km s -1 along the shock normal X,Z X,Y Earth Spacecraft in 200 km tetrahedron Data resolution 22 vec s -1

9 17 th November, 2005STEREO/Solar-B Workshop 9 Coronal Magnetic Fields Magnetic polarity from MDI Coronal arcade from EIT Orientation of flux rope can be determined from these data (Martin, 2003) + - + - 3. Combined Data Sets

10 17 th November, 2005STEREO/Solar-B Workshop 10 Before 01:35 Solar Wind 01:35 - 08:30 “sheath” 08:30 - 10:40 ICME Part (i) 10:40 & after ICME Part (ii) Near-Earth Magnetic Fields + - + - Interpretation: Flux rope (NNE-SSW orientation) erupts seen as ICME Part (ii) Overlaying coronal arcade material (E-W orientation) carried ahead of flux rope - seen as ICME Part (i)

11 17 th November, 2005STEREO/Solar-B Workshop 180° |B| (nT) B z GSE (nT) B x GSE (nT) B y GSE (nT) ACE: MFI SWICS n p (cm -3 ) Electron p.a. 372 eV He 2+ /H + (%) O 7+ /O 6+ “Sheath” Ahead of CME ICME part (ii) High oxygen ionisation ratio, suggests high coronal source ICME part (i) Uni-directional electrons. Later bi-directional trapped electrons 00:0004:0008:0012:0016:0020:0024:0022 Jan. 2004

12 17 th November, 2005STEREO/Solar-B Workshop 12 SOHO: LASCO Expanding CME magnetic field reconnects with oppositely directed streamer field to produce open field-lines - temporary disconnection from Sun allows uni-directional electron streaming

13 17 th November, 2005STEREO/Solar-B Workshop 13 Summary ICME seen near-Earth Jan 22 nd 2004 Unambiguous identification of coronal source event (erupting flux rope) Determination of coronal magnetic fields Good match to in-situ magnetic fields The geomagnetic storm may have been predictable More effort needed on ICME interaction in IPM

14 17 th November, 2005STEREO/Solar-B Workshop 14 END OF TALK

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