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Welcome to the Ed Lab!. Reading and Math Lab Lab Class #2.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Ed Lab!. Reading and Math Lab Lab Class #2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Ed Lab!

2 Reading and Math Lab Lab Class #2

3 Overview of Lab Class #2 Ed Lab procedures - reminders Learner Growth Plan Lesson Planning and Reflections

4 Necessary Procedures Signing In Working Outside of Lab Checking Cancellation Sheet Lesson Planning All lesson plans must be approved before being taught In-Box and Out-Box Two-Pocket Folder

5 Reminders The way you dress impacts the way you teach… Ed Lab Dress Expectations Turn in lesson plans by noon! They must be approved before you tutor.


7 Learner Growth Plans What is it? What do I have to do? How do I assess my learner’s needs? How do I assess my needs? How do I write a learning focus? How do I document actions towards accomplishment?

8 Choosing a Focus Identify an area for work – the instructional “thread” to build on Record it on the Learner Growth Plan Identify strategies to help Include some work on that focus in each lesson Focus conferences


10 Lesson Planning Meet the Needs of the Child Measurable Objectives- Use the Common Core Standards AND write your objective in your own words –The Common Core ‘code’ : grade level.strand.standard # –Example: 3.NBT.1 Students will demonstrate understanding of place value to the hundreds place. Activities are: Matched to Objectives Varied Creative Well Sequenced Over Plan

11 Math Lesson Planning Develop the Concept First Use Manipulatives to Illustrate Reinforce the Concept With Skill Practice - Games -Visuals -Physical Activities -Memory Shortcuts


13 Reading Lesson Planning: Five Components of a Good Plan 1.Read Aloud (You read aloud to your tutee) 2.Reading (Your tutee reading to or with you) 3.Extension/Response Activity 4.Writing 5.Skill/Strategy Mini-lesson


15 Writing Reflections and Observations Observations –what happened? Reflections –what does it mean? Why? Implications –so what do I do next?


17 Before You Leave Today Give us your tutoring schedule Take lesson planning ‘helps’ Ask any questions you have!

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