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A New kind of Conflict Chapter 11.2. Stalemate on the Western Front Western Front Western Front –Unexpected Belgian & French resistance ended Germany’s.

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Presentation on theme: "A New kind of Conflict Chapter 11.2. Stalemate on the Western Front Western Front Western Front –Unexpected Belgian & French resistance ended Germany’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 A New kind of Conflict Chapter 11.2

2 Stalemate on the Western Front Western Front Western Front –Unexpected Belgian & French resistance ended Germany’s plan for a quick victory over France –Russia mobilizes quicker than Germany plans  Schlieffen Plan fails –Stalemate  Leaves the war in a deadlock with neither side gaining any significant ground

3 Trench Warfare Western Front Western Front –Both sides (Allied and Central) dug into a vast system of trenches  Trenches stretched from English Channel to Swiss frontier  Underground network linked bunkers, communication trenches, gun emplacements, etc.  Solders endured cold winters and hot summers in their open trenches

4 Trench Warfare cont. –No Man’s Land –Between the trenches lay –Empty tract, lined with coils of barbed wire, pocked with shell holes, & every house and tree destroyed  With no protection other than their helmets, soldiers would go “over the top” and charge enemy lines







11 New Technology


13 Mark V Tank The Mark V tank became available in July 1918. It contained a new Ricardo engine that had been specially designed for the tank. With new transmission and better gears, the tank could travel at nearly 5 mph The Mark V tank became available in July 1918. It contained a new Ricardo engine that had been specially designed for the tank. With new transmission and better gears, the tank could travel at nearly 5 mph

14 Big Bertha This 43 ton howitzer could fire a 2,200 lb shell over 9 miles. Transported by Daimler-Benz tractors, it took its 200-man crew, over six hours to re- assemble it on the site. This 43 ton howitzer could fire a 2,200 lb shell over 9 miles. Transported by Daimler-Benz tractors, it took its 200-man crew, over six hours to re- assemble it on the site.howitzer

15 Poison Gas Considered uncivilized prior to World War One, the development and use of poison gas was necessitated by the requirement of wartime armies to find new ways of overcoming the stalemate of unexpected trench warfare.


17 WWI Photos



20 War raged on Other Fronts Ottoman Front Ottoman Front –In October 1914 –Ottoman Turks entered the war on the side of the Central Powers. Gallipoli Campaign –To get needed supplies to the Russians  British and French Troops tried to force an opening in the Ottoman Empire (linking the Mediterranean and Black seas).  After a year of fighting the Allies were forced to give up. –Britain would be more by going through the Middle East  eventually taking control of Baghdad, Jerusalem and Damascus

21 War raged on Other Fronts cont. Italian Front Italian Front –May 1915, Italy joined the war on the side of the Allies.  Due to lack of equipment and divided public opinion, Italy was unable to provide any great assistance. The war in Asia and Africa The war in Asia and Africa –Japan declared war on Germany –overran German possessions in China & captured most of Germany’s pacific island colonies. –British & French conquered most of Germany’s colonies in Africa

22 War raged on Other Fronts cont. Eastern Front Eastern Front –Largest of the fronts –Russians and Serbs fought Austrian, Turks, and Germans. –At the outbreak of war –Russia penetrates Germany and Austria, but they were pushed back to Russia.  Russia’s enormous population helped to refill the ranks-despite great losses.

23 The Other European Fronts

24 Total Warfare Roll of the Government Roll of the Government –Governments set up military conscription or “drafts” –Governments took a greater control of the economy.  Britain formed blockades to keep ships, carrying supplies, from getting in and out of Germany –Germany engages unrestricted submarine warfare  Governments told companies what to produce and in what amounts.  Governments set prices & wages

25 Total Warfare –Workers with specialized skills were used in the war effort & were forbidden to strike. –Due to shortages of goods, governments turned to rationing (food, fuel, metal, etc.).


27 Total Warfare Roll of Propaganda Roll of Propaganda –Propaganda  -The spreading of ideas to promote a cause or damage an opposing cause. –They feared the actual reports would turn popular opinion against the war. –They also used propaganda to increase the morale of the soldiers. –Every country used posters, books, and news reports to inflame the hatred of the enemy.

28 Propaganda Posters



31 Women at War Women played a major part in the war effort Women played a major part in the war effort –Took over manufacturing jobs, farmed, & joined the armed forces –Military nurses were close to the front lines, tending to casualties –War work gave women a new sense of pride and confidence

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