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1 Average Range Fall. 2 Average Range Winter 3 Average Range Spring.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Average Range Fall. 2 Average Range Winter 3 Average Range Spring."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Average Range Fall

2 2 Average Range Winter

3 3 Average Range Spring

4 4 Case Study – Goal Setting Baseline Data –Reading CBM 33, 36, 34 –DRA2 level 18 Goal setting for Chris

5 5 Chris’ score in the fall was 34 wcpm - What percentile is this? The 10th percentile

6 6 What is the goal for Chris to be in the average range for reading fluency in the winter? 79 wcpm

7 7 Norm-Referenced Goal Chris will read 79 words correctly per minute, from a third grade reading passage, by January. Specific, Measurable Attainable Relevant Time-Bound

8 8 Rate of Improvement/Growth Rates Use for shorter time periods Double growth rate –Student significantly below peers and/or targets Students who are below need to grow even faster than a typical student in order to close the gap.

9 9 Average Rate of Improvement/ Growth Rate Double the average ROI- 1.1 x 2 = 2.2

10 10 Tier III – Goal Setting Double growth rate for Chris Intervention phase (end of short term goal) – 8 weeks 2.2 x 8 = 17.6 (gain score) Gain score + baseline = short term goal 17.6 + 34 = 51.6 wcpm Short term goal

11 11 Tier III - Long Term Goals Set 1-2 years beyond baseline Focuses on grade level functioning Can utilize different assessment tools for short and long term goal setting Example: Chris – DRA2 Chris will read Level 34 text independently by the end of third grade.

12 12


14 14 Tier III – Case Study Set a goal for Chris –Norm Reference –Rate of Improvement Document on page 2 –Hypothesis statement –Supports needed to close gap in performance –Goal statement

15 15 7 1 6 54 3 2 Step 1 Define the Problem Develop a behavioral (observable) definition of problem Step 2 Develop an Assessment Plan Generate a hypothesis and assessment questions related to the problem Step 3 Analysis of the Assessment Plan Determine if problem is correctly defined Step 4 Generate a Goal Statement Specific Description of the changes expected in student behavior Step 5 Develop an Intervention Plan Base interventions on best practices and research- proven strategies HOW DO WE INTERVENE?

16 16 Tier III – Intervention Plan Continue Tier I and II Plan based on the gathered data Correct Problem Definition = Effective Interventions

17 17 Tier III - Intervention Plan Detailed- should pass stranger test (who, what, when, how long, where) Measurement strategy –how will you progress-monitor? (match intensity of intervention) Decision rules

18 Tier I Tier II Tier III Tier IV Student Needs Assessment Universal Screening for ALL students 3x per year Progress Monitoring 1-2x per month Diagnostic Assessment Progress Monitoring 1-2x per week

19 19 Frequency of Assessment Directly Related to Student Achievement Similar results found by Fuchs & Fuchs (1986)

20 20 Progress Monitoring Necessities Research recommends: 3-4 consecutive data points below aimline or 4-6 consecutive data points above aimline- consider problem-solving; 6-10 consecutive data points showing negative trend- consider problem-solving Target skill/behavior = goal Baseline Measurement Strategy Graph Intervention

21 21 Tier III - Case Study How will you intervene? What resources do you have in your building to meet Chris’ needs? How will you monitor progress? Complete page 3


23 23

24 24 7 1 6 54 3 2 Step 1 Define the Problem Develop a behavioral (observable) definition of problem Step 2 Develop an Assessment Plan Generate a hypothesis and assessment questions related to the problem Step 3 Analysis of the Assessment Plan Determine if problem is correctly defined Step 4 Generate a Goal Statement Specific Description of the changes expected in student behavior Step 5 Develop an Intervention Plan Base interventions on best practices and research- proven strategies Step 6 Implement the Intervention Plan Provide strategies, materials, and resources: include progress monitoring IMPLEMENT THE PLAN!

25 25 Tier III - Implement the Plan Monitor progress throughout intervention Graph progress against short term goal Check fidelity of intervention

26 26 Tier III - Case Study Reading CBM - baseline scores 33, 36, 34 Median Score – 34 Graph Chris’ scores –Baseline scores –Short term goal – 52 for 8 weeks of intervention –Draw aimline

27 27

28 28 Semi-Log Chart: Designed for skills where equal interval monitoring is not sufficient to convey growth Ex: young children learning basic skills the growth between 1 and 5 letter sounds is of greater significance than between 20 and 50

29 29

30 30 Tier III - Initial Graph Baseline Goal Goal or Aimline

31 31 Plot Week One: Tuesday- 36; Thursday- 34 Plot Week two: Monday- 28; Wed- 40; Fri- 38

32 32 Tier III Case Study – Progress Monitoring Week One: Tuesday- 36; Thursday- 34 Week two: Monday- 28; Wed- 40; Fri- 38

33 33 Decision Making Research recommends: 3-4 consecutive data points below aimline or 4-6 consecutive data points above aimline- consider problem-solving; 6-10 consecutive data points showing negative trend- consider problem-solving

34 34 Week Three: Tuesday- 34; Thursday- 26 Week Four: Mon- 36; Wed- 38; Fri- 38

35 35 Tier III Case Study – Progress Monitoring Week Three: Tuesday- 34; Thursday- 26 Week Four: Mon- 36; Wed- 38; Fri- 38

36 36 Tier III Case Study – Intervention Change Intervention Change

37 37 Week Five: Tuesday- 42; Thursday- 40 Week Six: Mon- 45; Wed- 47; Fri- 49

38 38 Tier III Case Study – Progress Monitoring Week Five: Tues- 42; Thurs – 40 Week Six: Mon- 45; Wed – 47; Fri- 49

39 39 Week Seven: Tuesday- 50; Thursday- 55 Week Eight: Mon- 56; Wed- 54; Fri- 57

40 40 Tier III Case Study – Progress Monitoring Week Seven: Tues- 50; Thurs- 55 Week Eight: Mon- 56; Wed- 54; Fri- 57

41 41 7 1 6 54 3 2 Step 7 Analysis of the Intervention Plan make a team decision on the effectiveness of the intervention Step 1 Define the Problem Develop a behavioral (observable) definition of problem Step 2 Develop an Assessment Plan Generate a hypothesis and assessment questions related to the problem Step 3 Analysis of the Assessment Plan Create a functional and multidimensional assessment to test the hypothesis Step 4 Generate a Goal Statement Specific Description of the changes expected in student behavior Step 5 Develop an Intervention Plan Base interventions on best practices and research- proven strategies Step 6 Implement the Intervention Plan Provide strategies, materials, and resources: include progress monitoring 83 ANALYZE THE PLAN

42 42 Tier III - Analysis of the Intervention Plan Was the goal met? How does the student compare to the norm: –School –Subgroup –District –Nation What is the student’s growth rate?

43 Tier III - Analysis of the Intervention Plan EVALUATE the DATA Progress monitoring is essential –Examine student performance –Evaluate the effectiveness of instruction 43

44 44

45 45 Tier III Case Study – Decision Making Goal 51 –Chris - 56 National 25 th percentile for winter is 79 Average growth rate is 1.1 –Chris’ - 2.875 per week Make a decision

46 46 Tier III Case Study – Decision Making What about his subgroup? Whole school population?


48 48

49 49 Target Student Discrepancy 1: Skill Gap (Current Performance Level) Avg Classroom Academic Performance Level ‘Dual-Discrepancy’: RTI Model of Learning Disability (Fuchs 2003) Discrepancy 2: Gap in Rate of Learning (‘Slope of Improvement’)

50 Tier IV - PSM Review all available data and - Continue interventions at Tier III OR -Refer for consideration of special education If referral is made: -Define the problem -Use progress monitoring data as baseline on IEP –IEP (intervention) is developed based on data Continue problem solving 50

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