Menu British Jeopardy Let’s check – what do you know about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland by Ruslana Shamanska.

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Presentation on theme: "Menu British Jeopardy Let’s check – what do you know about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland by Ruslana Shamanska."— Presentation transcript:

1 menu British Jeopardy Let’s check – what do you know about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland by Ruslana Shamanska

2 menu 100 200 300 400 500 EnglandWalesScotlandNorthernIrelandUK

3 menu England Where is Big Ben? In London QuestionAnswer 100

4 England What is the name of famous shopping street in London? Oxford street QuestionAnswer 200

5 England Where does the queen live? In Buckingham Palace QuestionAnswer 300

6 England Which of these birds you can see at the Tower of London? Ravens QuestionAnswer 400

7 England The ruined castle in the southwest of England, where King Arthur is supposed to have been born, is called: Tintagel QuestionAnswer 500

8 Wales What is the capital of Wales? Cardiff QuestionAnswer 100

9 Wales The official languages of Wales are: Welsh and English QuestionAnswer 200

10 Wales The Welsh flag shows a red dragon on a _________ background. Green and white QuestionAnswer 300

11 Wales What is the symbol of Wales? The daffodil QuestionAnswer 400

12 Wales What is the highest mountain in Wales? Snowdon QuestionAnswer 500

13 Scotland What is the capital of Scotland? Edinburgh QuestionAnswer 100

14 Scotland What is the symbol of Scotland? The thistle QuestionAnswer 200

15 Scotland The name of the Scottish national instrument is.... Bagpipe QuestionAnswer 300

16 Scotland What is the name of Scottish national dance? Sword dance QuestionAnswer 400

17 Scotland Describe the flag of Scotland... White cross on the blue background... QuestionAnswer 500

18 Northern Ireland Another name for Northern Ireland is: Ulster QuestionAnswer 100

19 menu Northern Ireland The capital of Northern Ireland is: Belfast QuestionAnswer 200

20 menu Northern Ireland What is the currency in Northern Ireland? Pound QuestionAnswer 300

21 menu Northern Ireland What ocean is to the west of Northern Ireland? The Atlantic ocean QuestionAnswer 400

22 menu Northern Ireland What sea is to the east of Northern Ireland? The Irish sea QuestionAnswer 500

23 menu UK What is the capital of the UK? London QuestionAnswer 100

24 UK Who is the Queen of the UK? Elizabeth II QuestionAnswer 200

25 UK What is the flag of the UK called? The Union Jack QuestionAnswer 300

26 UK What is the national anthem called? God save the Queen QuestionAnswer 400

27 UK What is the longest river in the UK? The Severn QuestionAnswer 500

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