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CDAE 254 - Class 21 Nov 7 Last class: Result of Quiz 6 6. Costs Today: Problem set 5 questions 6. Costs Next class: 6. Costs 7. Profit maximization and.

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Presentation on theme: "CDAE 254 - Class 21 Nov 7 Last class: Result of Quiz 6 6. Costs Today: Problem set 5 questions 6. Costs Next class: 6. Costs 7. Profit maximization and."— Presentation transcript:

1 CDAE 254 - Class 21 Nov 7 Last class: Result of Quiz 6 6. Costs Today: Problem set 5 questions 6. Costs Next class: 6. Costs 7. Profit maximization and supply Quiz 7 (Sections 6.1 – 6.6)

2 CDAE 254 - Class 21 Nov 7 Important dates: Problem set 5 due today Problem set 6 due Thursday, Nov. 16 (6.1., 6.4., 6.6., 6.9., and 6.10 from the textbook) Final exam: 3:30 – 6:30pm, Friday, Dec. 15

3 6. Costs 6.1. Basic concepts of costs 6.2. Cost minimizing input choice 6.3. Cost curves 6.4. Short-run and long-run costs 6.5. Per unit short-run cost curves 6.6. Shifts in cost curves 6.7. An example 6.8. Applications

4 6.2. Cost-minimizing input choice 6.2.1. A graphical analysis (Fig. 6.1) 6.2.2. What is the condition for the best point? Slope of the cost line = slope of the isoquant -w/v = -RTS w/v = RTS What will happen if the two are not equal? e.g., if w/v = 0.5 and RTS = 0.8, the producer will increase X and decrease Y to minimize cost. Note that this is similar to the analysis of utility maximization in Chapter 3.

5 Class exercise (Thursday, Nov. 2) If the cost is TC = 4L + 5K and the rate of technical substitution (RTS) is equal to 1.2, what will be the directions of change in L and K to minimize the cost? Why?

6 6.2. Cost-minimizing input choice 6.2.3. A firm’s expansion path (Fig. 6.2) -- A curve of all the cost-minimizing inputs choices (points) for different levels of output -- It can be a curve or a straight line

7 6.3. Cost curves 6.3.1. Possible shapes of the total cost curve (function): relation between TC and q ( Fig. 6.3 ) (1) Constant returns to scale (2) Decreasing returns to scale (3) Increasing returns to scale (4) Optimal scale: increasing returns to scale followed by decreasing returns to scale

8 6.3. Cost curves 6.3.2. Average cost (AC) and marginal cost (MC) (1) What is the AC and what is the MC? AC = TC/q MC = ΔTC/Δq (2) AC and MC curves (functions) (Fig. 6.4) (a) Constant returns to scale (b) Decreasing returns to scale (c) Increasing returns to scale (d) Optimal scale

9 6.3. Cost curves 6.3.2. Average cost (AC) and marginal cost (MC) (3) Optimal scale: Relationship between AC and MC (4) Optimal scale: Lowest AC input choice When MC < AC, AC is decreasing When MC > AC, AC is increasing When MC = AC, AC is at the minimum level.

10 6.4. Short run and long run costs 6.4.1. Distinction between short run and long run Very short run: Short run: Long run: 6.4.2. Input flexibility in the short-run and long run (Fig. 6.5) Short run: K is fixed and L can change Long run: both K and L can change 6.4.3. Short-run total costs: STC = vK* + wL = SFC + SVC

11 6.4. Short run and long run costs 6.4.4. Short-run fixed, variable & total costcurves Note that the concept “returns to scale” does not apply in the short run.

12 6.5. Per-unit short run cost curves 6.5.1. Short-run average cost SAC = STC / q 6.5.2. Short-run marginal costSMC = ΔSTC/Δq 6.5.3. SAC and SMC curves 6.5.4. Long-run average cost and marginal cost 6.5.5. Relationship between short-run and long-run cost curves 6.5.6. An example: choosing an ink-jet printer or laser printer Ink-jet: STC = 80 + 0.07 q Laser: STC = 200 + 0.04 q

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