National Center on Response to Intervention RTI Essential Component: Schoolwide, Multi-Level Prevention System Katie Klingler Tackett National Center on.

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1 National Center on Response to Intervention RTI Essential Component: Schoolwide, Multi-Level Prevention System Katie Klingler Tackett National Center on Response to Intervention

2 Defining RTI Response to intervention (RTI) integrates assessment and intervention within a school-wide, multi ‑ level instructional system to maximize student achievement and reduce behavior problems. With RTI, schools identify students at risk for poor learning outcomes, monitor student progress, provide evidence-based interventions and adjust the intensity and nature of those interventions depending on a student’s responsiveness, and may be used as part of the determination process for specific learning disabilities. (National Center on Response to Intervention)

3 National Center on Response to Intervention RTI as a Preventive Framework  RTI is a multi-level instructional framework aimed at improving outcomes for ALL students.  RTI is preventative and provides immediate support to students who are at risk for academic failure.  RTI may be a component of a comprehensive evaluation for students with learning disabilities.

4 National Center on Response to Intervention Essential RTI Components  School-wide, Multi-level Instructional System for Preventing School Failure Primary Secondary Tertiary  Screening  Progress Monitoring  Data-Based Decision Making for: Instruction Movement within the multi-level system Disability identification (in accordance with state law)

5 National Center on Response to Intervention Essential Components of RTI

6 National Center on Response to Intervention Levels, Tiers, Interventions

7 National Center on Response to Intervention 7 Multi-Level Prevention System ~15% ~5% Tertiary Level: Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with Intensive Needs Secondary Level: Supplemental Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Response to Primary Level Primary Level: School-/Classroom- Wide Instruction for All Students, Including Differentiated Instruction ~80% of Students

8 National Center on Response to Intervention Primary Level  FOCUS: all students  INSTRUCTION: District curriculum and instructional practices that are evidence-based; aligned with state or district standards; incorporate differentiated instruction  SETTING: general education classroom  ASSESSMENTS: screening, continuous progress monitoring, and outcome measures 8

9 National Center on Response to Intervention Primary Level Curriculum  The core curriculum is: Evidence based for the target population Aligned with state standards Well articulated both across grades levels (vertical) and within grade levels (horizontal) Differentiated Supported by school-based professional development

10 National Center on Response to Intervention Secondary Level  FOCUS: students identified through screening as at-risk for poor learning outcomes  INSTRUCTION: targeted, supplemental instruction delivered to small groups  SETTING: general education classroom or other general education location within the school  ASSESSMENTS: progress monitoring, diagnostic 10

11 National Center on Response to Intervention Secondary Level Interventions  Interventions are: Evidence-based Well defined Aligned with core curriculum Implemented using standard protocol Provided in teacher-led small group instruction In addition to the core curriculum

12 National Center on Response to Intervention Tertiary Level  FOCUS: students who have not responded to primary or secondary level prevention  INSTRUCTION: intensive, supplemental instruction delivered to small groups or individually  SETTING: general education classroom or other general education location within the school  ASSESSMENTS: progress monitoring, diagnostic 12

13 National Center on Response to Intervention Tertiary Level Interventions  Interventions are Evidence-based Implemented using standard protocol More intense than secondary and continuously individualized based on student needs Monitored regularly based on established learning trajectories In addition to the core curriculum

14 National Center on Response to Intervention Data-Based Decisions  There are clear criteria, guidelines, and decision rules  Screening, progress monitoring and other assessment data inform instruction at all levels  Data-based decisions occur and interventions are implemented in a timely manner

15 National Center on Response to Intervention Types of Data-based Decisions Related to the Multi-level Prevention System  Duration  Frequency  Interventionist  Group size  Intervention 15

16 National Center on Response to Intervention NCRTI Instruction Tools Chart 16

17 National Center on Response to Intervention Implementing the RTI Framework  Select and implement evidence-based core curriculum, interventions and instruction.  Implement instruction and interventions with integrity.  Ensure cultural, linguistic and socioeconomic factors students bring to the classroom are reflected instruction and implementation.

18 National Center on Response to Intervention Need More Information? National Center on Response to Intervention NCRTI Progress Monitoring Tools Chart onitoringtoolschart.htm

19 National Center on Response to Intervention Questions? 19

20 National Center on Response to Intervention 20 This document was produced under U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs Grant No. H326E07000.4 Grace Zamora Durán and Tina Diamond served as the OSEP project officers. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the positions or policies of the Department of Education. No official endorsement by the U.S. Department of Education of any product, commodity, service or enterprise mentioned in this publication is intended or should be inferred. This product is public domain. Authorization to reproduce it in whole or in part is granted. While permission to reprint this publication is not necessary, the citation should be: National Center on Response to Intervention

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