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Communicating NEPAD better by Maureen Nkandu. How do we communicate? Report on events. Not much context Cluttered, technical language and Jargon Use limited.

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Presentation on theme: "Communicating NEPAD better by Maureen Nkandu. How do we communicate? Report on events. Not much context Cluttered, technical language and Jargon Use limited."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communicating NEPAD better by Maureen Nkandu

2 How do we communicate? Report on events. Not much context Cluttered, technical language and Jargon Use limited platforms/channels Mix up target audiences Do not use key global events to convey NEPAD message Do not use comms unit effectively Weak internal comms

3 Challenges Budget Limited understanding of what comms is all about; Capacity No standard comms procedures

4 Target audience 1: Governments Target audience 2: Donors/Funders Target audience 3: Partners and RECs Target audience 4: Civil society Target audience 5: Media Target audience 6: NPCA staff Target audience 7: Public Who should we be talking to

5 Communications Training Messaging tools and channels Understand our audiences Results based reporting of events Showcase impact/success stories Improve internal comms structures Improve media relations How can we communicate better

6 The End

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