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1.Desultory Adj.  Lacking a plan Jamie could not understand his desultory notes when it came time to study for the test.

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Presentation on theme: "1.Desultory Adj.  Lacking a plan Jamie could not understand his desultory notes when it came time to study for the test."— Presentation transcript:

1 1.Desultory Adj.  Lacking a plan Jamie could not understand his desultory notes when it came time to study for the test.

2 2.Disparate Adj.  Completely different The twins were so disparate in their looks that no one even realized they were twins.

3 3.Exacerbate V.  To make something worse than it already is Bracken’s constant criticism of his girlfriend’s car exacerbated his relationship with her.

4 4. Fastidious Adj.  Concerned that things need to be just right Taking fastidious notes will pay off when it is time to use them on the test. (No, not this one - sorry)

5 5. Gregarious Adj.  Very friendly and sociable The gregarious students in my math class are willing to help me figure out the problems.

6 6. Impasse N.  Cannot come to an agreement After weeks of deliberation, the jury was at an impasse as to the man’s innocence or guilt.

7 7. Intrinsic Adj.  Coming from within Getting good grades for the intrinsic reward is better than getting paid for good grades.

8 8. Judicious Adj.  Making good decisions Please be judicious when deciding whether or not to go to college.

9 9. Neophyte N.  A beginner or novice We can’t laugh at Jaren’s golf swing because he is still considered a neophyte.

10 10.Opulence N.  Lavish display of wealth Suzi’s opulence was so apparent that her friends felt uncomfortable being with her in their Walmart clothes.

11 11.Ubiquitous Adj.  Existing everywhere at the same time People looking at their cell phones is a ubiquitous occurrence no matter where you are.

12 12. Redolent Adj.  Having a particular smell The locker room’s redolent smell is always apparent, even after a thorough cleaning.

13 13.Serpentine Adj.  Winding and twisting Driving on the serpentine road, Jilleen became carsick rather quickly.

14 14.Succinct Adj.  Brief and to the point A succinct report is better than one that rambles on and on without getting to the point.

15 15.Tantamount Adj.  The same as, equal to something else Finding a parking stall at a busy mall is tantamount to winning the lottery.

16 Vocab Practice Assignment Draw the concept of the meaning of the word. Do not use any words on your picture. Draw it on computer paper – not lined paper. Divide your paper into sections to make it look neat. I am not grading your drawing ability- - just your neatness and creativity in capturing the concept of the word.

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