PDS4 Project Report PDS MC F2F UCLA Dan Crichton November 28, 2012 1.

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Presentation on theme: "PDS4 Project Report PDS MC F2F UCLA Dan Crichton November 28, 2012 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 PDS4 Project Report PDS MC F2F UCLA Dan Crichton November 28, 2012 1

2 PDS4/Development Topics Project Update PDS4 Mission Updates Data Migration Planning Data Design Update System Design/Demonstrations Future Tool Planning Wrap Up 2

3 Major Progress Items Missions developing PDS4 products PDS4 Build 3a released and deployed PDS4 system online at EN supporting ingestion and search Initial beta PDS4 data products from Atmospheres registered User testing of PDS4 products This is an intentional project shift to preparing PDS4 data for use International implementation of PDS4 PSA is the major player 3

4 User View of Major PDS4 Development Events First LADEE/ MAVEN PDS4 Data Delivery (2014) select PDS3 dataset migration to PDS4* format (April 2013) PDS MC approval to begin PDS4 implementation (Aug 2009) Begin LADEE/MAVEN PDS4 Product Design (Spring 2012) http://pds.nasa.gov transitioned to PDS4 system (Sept/Oct 2012) * Includes user review of PDS4 bundles as they are put online PDS4 standards Released to first Spacecraft Missions (Feb 2012) - CORE SYSTEM AND STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT - - PDS4 DATA REVIEW AND PREPRATION -

5 PDS4 Planned Mission Support 5 BepiColumbo (ESA) Osiris-REx (NASA) MAVEN (NASA) LADEE (NASA) InSight (NASA) ISRO, JAXA planning PDS4 missions

6 Build 3: Preparing for PDS4 Data Distribution/Usage Home Page Search PDS3 data migrated to registry (done) Registration software in place to support PDS4 bundles (done) Generation of PDS4 search (done) Longer term improvements can be made, but the forcing function is distribution… Access and Distribution of PDS4 bundles Migration of a few data sets Bundle and Product Level Views General and DN-specific services (incl transformation) Discipline Models The DDWG report will cover this 6

7 Phasing PDS4 Online 7 PDS3 Pipeline PDS3 Ingest Current Missions PDS3 Archive @ DNs PDS3 Services Central Catalog Users PDS4 Ingest PDS4 Registry PDS4 Archive @ DNs PDS4 Pipeline PDS4 Services New Missions PDS Portal Harvest Product Metadata (PDS3) toPDS4 Transform Datasets + Products Dataset Metadata (PDS3) Dataset Metadata (PDS3) Metadata Index NOTE: PDS3 Services phased out overtime (1) Transition to PDS4 occurring in phases starting with beta products and services; (2) Not all data or services will be migrated.

8 Build 3 Deliveries Build 3a (September 2012) Full system release Begin supporting ingestion of PDS4 data Stable set of core standards Begin deployment of PDS4 software to the nodes Initial transformation and object access libraries Begin user testing Build 3b (March 2013) Enhanced search service Additional transformations, object access library Incremental improvements to the core standards Include changes from user testing and migration 8

9 Build 3a Deliverables 9 Software System Registry Service Harvest Tool Validate Tool Security Service Report Service Search Service CI Tool Upgraded portal search Data Standards* Information Model XML Schemas Data Dictionary Standards Documents PDS4 Test Products * Posted to http://pds.nasa.gov/pds4http://pds.nasa.gov/pds4

10 Build 3 Schedule Align build 3 along fiscal year boundary Two planned builds in September and March (with subsequent releases) D istribute PDS4 Software (October 2012) DNs prepare for PDS4 support (Oct‘12 – Mar ‘13) Bundle testing (underway with build 2c+) and migration Install PDS4 software at DNs and test with migrated data Develop services to view/download bundles/products/etc Beta test with a few migrated data sets, if available PDS-wide user testing for initial data sets (April 2013 – July 2013) Beta test with additional migrated data Archive support pages should be generated Deploy services to view/download bundles/products/etc Prepare for LADEE/MAVEN data distribution scheduled for 2014/2015 Perform additional system release of PDS4 in Sept (2013) 10

11 Preparing DNs for PDS4 Place beta PDS4 data products online to get user feedback and comments Generate archive support pages Atmospheres will report out; others will follow Setup the PDS4 software stack at the nodes Some nodes have begun installation Register PDS3 (and PDS4) data in the system EN has already registered the PDS3 catalog data Adapt and improve software services at the nodes to support search/distribution of PDS4 data 11

12 PDS4 Archive Support Pages Cassini Archive Support page has been received well In PDS4, we are developing archive pages (e.g. Phoenix) for our migrated data We can add tools/services over time, but this gets the data online We will register those pages at the top of PDS so users can find the data 12

13 Registration of Support Pages 13 Archive Pages Facet-Based Search Linkable Results Page

14 Resource Planning for WGs Goal is to give nodes more time for PDS4 development and less time in WGs SDWG – System Design WG The WG is in an “idle” state; use it as needed Much of the work is now in implementation, test and deployment Would like to see the design for new development items discussed by this group DDWG – Data Design WG Shifting from core standards development to extensions Reducing telecon times and focusing on small teams 14

15 Long Term Planning Provide an early release of PDS4 standards for early mission adoption (2012) Begin migration of data sets (2012) Will occur over time (e.g., several years) Begin supporting registration of migrated PDS4 data within the PDS (2012) Conduct user review of “beta” PDS4 data products (2012/2013) Deploy PDS4 software across PDS (2012/2013) Continue regular releases of new services for distribution following user review (2013/2014) Hold International PDS4 Tech Session (2013) Begin Bepi Columbo Data Product Design (2013) PDS-wide improvement of web look-n-feel (2014) Begin ingestion/distribution of LADEE/MAVEN (2014) 15

16 Questions? More detail to come… 16

17 Backup 17

18 Data Standards Maturity Data standards are maturing with each release Each release is versioned “users” are beginning to pick up specific versions for implementation much like is done in software The key question is what does a “public” release mean? Does a “blessed” v1.0 internationally make sense? …or do we just continue to make improvements in each release and coordinate with IPDA and others? …or is a v1.0 just a stable version? Typically a full fledge standard approval takes years… Requires 2 distinct implementations For international efforts, that would mostly likely mean implementations in U.S. and Europe at least It would be hard to approve PDS4 standards internationally before LADEE/MAVEN and Bepi Columbo Often candidate standards are in place and used for years 18

19 Data Standards Maturity (2) Options for this could be as follows (1) PDS continues releasing builds and designates a build for renumbering PDS4 standards as V1.0 (2) PDS waits for validation by LADEE, MAVEN and Bepi Columbo (3) Establish a full fledge, international, standards approval process Regardless of the option, giving time to the community to work with PDS4 is one of the best ways to get validation 19

20 Project Lifecycle 20 Project Lifecycle Pre- Formulation Implementation Project Lifecycle Gates & Major Events Project Reviews PDSMC Concept Review (Dec 2007) Study/ Concepts Project Plan PDS4 Prelim Architecture PDSMC Impl Review (July 2008) PDSMC Preliminary Design (August 2009) PDSMC Arch Review (Nov 2008) Build 1b Internal Stds Assessment (Dec 2010) PDS System Review (Mar 2010) Build 1c IPDA Stds Assessment (April 2011) PDS System Review II (June 2011) Build 1d External Stds Assessment (Aug 2011) Operational Readiness Review (data providers) (November 2011) PDS4 Design Begin Study Project Build 1: Prototype Build 2: Production Build 3 1a 1b 1c 1d KDP: Study KDP: Prelim Design KDP: Project Plan & Arch Operational Readiness Review (users) (Summer 2013)

21 Schedule Posted to EN site 21

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