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Steve Denniston Applications Specialist Mona Shores Public Schools Principles That Transform Your Training Today, you will learn seven principles that.

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Presentation on theme: "Steve Denniston Applications Specialist Mona Shores Public Schools Principles That Transform Your Training Today, you will learn seven principles that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Steve Denniston Applications Specialist Mona Shores Public Schools Principles That Transform Your Training Today, you will learn seven principles that will positively impact the way you deliver… Online Training Face To Face Training Blended Learning One-to-one Instruction Support Documents

2 Learner L earner Basic Concept: “Cause To Learn” Principles That Transform Your Training * ETCC 2011 * Steve Denniston, Mona Shores Public Schools

3 Learner Understanding #1 Trainers are responsible to cause the participants to __________. learn Principles That Transform Your Training * ETCC 2011 * Steve Denniston, Mona Shores Public Schools

4 Learner Content Speaker Style Student “Who” Subject “What” Method “How” Objective #2 Trainers are responsible because they control subject, style, setting, and _______. speaker Principles That Transform Your Training * ETCC 2011 * Steve Denniston, Mona Shores Public Schools

5 Learner Objective #3 Trainers should judge their success by the success of their ___________. students Principles That Transform Your Training * ETCC 2011 * Steve Denniston, Mona Shores Public Schools

6 LearnerExpectation n E xpectation Basic Concept: “Expect The Best” Principles That Transform Your Training * ETCC 2011 * Steve Denniston, Mona Shores Public Schools

7 LearnerExpectation n Understanding #1 Expectations exist in everyone about everything all the __________. time Principles That Transform Your Training * ETCC 2011 * Steve Denniston, Mona Shores Public Schools

8 LearnerExpectation n Understanding #2: Expectations impact ourselves and ___________. others Principles That Transform Your Training * ETCC 2011 * Steve Denniston, Mona Shores Public Schools

9 LearnerExpectation n Objective #3 Expectations are rooted in the past, influence the present and therefore impact the ___________. future Principles That Transform Your Training * ETCC 2011 * Steve Denniston, Mona Shores Public Schools

10 LearnerExpectation n Understanding #4: Expectations impair others if set too _________ or too ____________. high low Principles That Transform Your Training * ETCC 2011 * Steve Denniston, Mona Shores Public Schools

11 LearnerExpectation n Application A pplication Basic Concept: “Apply For Life Change” Principles That Transform Your Training * ETCC 2011 * Steve Denniston, Mona Shores Public Schools

12 LearnerExpectation n Application Understanding #1: Application is the central reason for providing ________. training Principles That Transform Your Training * ETCC 2011 * Steve Denniston, Mona Shores Public Schools

13 LearnerExpectation n Application Understanding #2 Application is the responsibility of the ____________. trainer Principles That Transform Your Training * ETCC 2011 * Steve Denniston, Mona Shores Public Schools

14 LearnerExpectation n Application Understanding #3 Application and information should be appropriately _______________. balanced Principles That Transform Your Training * ETCC 2011 * Steve Denniston, Mona Shores Public Schools

15 LearnerExpectation n Application Understanding #4: Every facet of a training workshop should point to the _____________. application Principles That Transform Your Training * ETCC 2011 * Steve Denniston, Mona Shores Public Schools

16 LearnerExpectation n Application Retention R etention Basic Concept: “Master The Minimum” Principles That Transform Your Training * ETCC 2011 * Steve Denniston, Mona Shores Public Schools

17 LearnerExpectation n Application Retention Understanding #1: Retention of facts are effective only after they are _______________. understood Principles That Transform Your Training * ETCC 2011 * Steve Denniston, Mona Shores Public Schools

18 LearnerExpectation n Application Retention Understanding #2: Retention increases as the student recognizes the content’s ________________. relevance Principles That Transform Your Training * ETCC 2011 * Steve Denniston, Mona Shores Public Schools

19 LearnerExpectation n Application Retention Understanding #3: Retention requires the trainer to focus on the facts that are most ____________. important Principles That Transform Your Training * ETCC 2011 * Steve Denniston, Mona Shores Public Schools

20 LearnerExpectation n Application Retention Understanding #4: Retention arranges the facts so they are easy to _______________. memorize Principles That Transform Your Training * ETCC 2011 * Steve Denniston, Mona Shores Public Schools

21 LearnerExpectation n Application RetentionNeed N eed Basic Concept: “Build The Need” Principles That Transform Your Training * ETCC 2011 * Steve Denniston, Mona Shores Public Schools

22 LearnerExpectation n Application RetentionNeed Understanding #1: Need building is the teacher’s main method to motivate __________. students Understanding #2: Need ____________ to the degree it is felt by the participant. motivates Principles That Transform Your Training * ETCC 2011 * Steve Denniston, Mona Shores Public Schools

23 LearnerExpectation n Application RetentionNeed Understanding #3: Need building always precedes new units of ___________. content Principles That Transform Your Training * ETCC 2011 * Steve Denniston, Mona Shores Public Schools

24 Equipping LearnerExpectation n Application RetentionNeed E quipping Basic Concept: “Equip for Service” Principles That Transform Your Training * ETCC 2011 * Steve Denniston, Mona Shores Public Schools

25 Equipping LearnerExpectation n Application RetentionNeed Understanding #1: Equipping is best ____________ by what the participant does after training is completed. evaluated Principles That Transform Your Training * ETCC 2011 * Steve Denniston, Mona Shores Public Schools

26 Equipping LearnerExpectation n Application RetentionNeed Understanding #2: Equipping should focus more intensely on the most ________________. committed Principles That Transform Your Training * ETCC 2011 * Steve Denniston, Mona Shores Public Schools

27 Equipping LearnerExpectation n Application RetentionNeed Understanding #3: Equipping requires knowledge, skill and long- term ______________. commitment Principles That Transform Your Training * ETCC 2011 * Steve Denniston, Mona Shores Public Schools

28 Equipping LearnerExpectation n Application RetentionNeed Objective #4 Equipping has as its ultimate goal independent _____________. trainers Principles That Transform Your Training * ETCC 2011 * Steve Denniston, Mona Shores Public Schools

29 EquippingRevival LearnerExpectation n Application RetentionNeed R evival Basic Concept: “Revive The Heart” Principles That Transform Your Training * ETCC 2011 * Steve Denniston, Mona Shores Public Schools

30 EquippingRevival LearnerExpectation n Application RetentionNeed Understanding #1: Revival is not a completed event but a continuing ______________. experience Principles That Transform Your Training * ETCC 2011 * Steve Denniston, Mona Shores Public Schools

31 EquippingRevival LearnerExpectation n Application RetentionNeed Objective #2 Revival can occur in the life of an individual or in a _________. group Principles That Transform Your Training * ETCC 2011 * Steve Denniston, Mona Shores Public Schools

32 EquippingRevival LearnerExpectation n Application RetentionNeed Contact Information: Steve Denniston Applications Specialist Mona Shores Public Schools Norton Shores, Michigan Email: Phone: 231-780-4751, x8280 Principles That Transform Your Training * ETCC 2011 * Steve Denniston, Mona Shores Public Schools

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