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JavaScript IV Robin Burke ECT 270. Outline Final project reminder Style review Manipulating style Special effect examples.

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Presentation on theme: "JavaScript IV Robin Burke ECT 270. Outline Final project reminder Style review Manipulating style Special effect examples."— Presentation transcript:

1 JavaScript IV Robin Burke ECT 270

2 Outline Final project reminder Style review Manipulating style Special effect examples

3 Final project Grading rubric fill in for your team bring to class next week

4 Quick review of style Introduced in the context of CSS but can be embedded in particular tags Style is a specification language for layout Specify colors font properties position

5 Style Syntax element-name {style-name1: property1; style-name2: property2} h1 { font-weight: bold; font-family: sans-serif; } Or embedded style Title here

6 Example style sheet for course site

7 Manipulating style We can manipulate style dynamically just like other element properties Each element has an associated style object setting the properties of this object change the element's displayed style editing embedded style

8 Note CSS "-" is style name separator font-family: Arial, sans-serif JavaScript "-" is subtraction operator style names use lowerUpper syntax font-family becomes fontFamily = "Arial, sans-serif" Netscape style property is missing from "schismatic" Netscape versions (4-5) instead elem.fontFamily =...

9 Cross-browser solution StyleAPI file if (document.layers) isNS = true; if (document.all) isIE = true; function setFontFamily (elem, family) { if (isIE) = family; else if (isNS) elem.fontFamily = family; }

10 Examples change font color change font family button example from 10/27

11 Manipulating position and boundary Position is another style property also boundary via clip property Many effects possible animation drop down menus

12 Implementation Relevant DOM properties Problem these are string values with units "5 px", "10 in" Solution IE-specific integer valued use text processing parseInt to get value value + "px" to set

13 Animation Repeated display with transformation How to achieve repeat? looping is bad prevent the user from interacting with browser better solution use event mechanism setTimeout(fn, delay) the function will be called when the delay has passed

14 Animation examples linear shift path animation snowflakes

15 Controlling display Visibility = "hidden"; or "visible", "inherit" element takes up space but can't be seen = "none"; or "" element takes up no space

16 Controlling display, cont'd Clipping Can set the size of the container smaller than its contents = rect(x1, y1, x2, y2);

17 Controlling display, cont'd Clipping creates a viewing area can't access the rest of the image or contents To shrink viewing area, but allow access change size of the element set overflow property

18 What to do with excess Use overflow property

19 Example scrollable HTML area

20 Drop-down effects Clipping can be used for drop-down menus purely in HTML no images

21 Before clipping After clipping

22 Note Book's DOM API is not needed with Mozilla Book's code is really ugly mine is better

23 CSS and JavaScript Discussed how to modify style of a single element one property at a time CSS lets us have classes We can modify an elements class at run-time elem.className=

24 Example rollover expandable outline

25 Modifying a style associated with a class Stylesheets themselves are objects Accessed via styleSheets[] array Each style sheet has an array of rules cssRules[] (NS) rules [] (IE) We can inspect and modify the styles

26 Example rollover

27 Next week Grading sheet Be here at 5:45 pm for presentations stay to hear your classmates

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