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Chapter 2 Section 1 Chemical reactions take place inside cells.

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1 Chapter 2 Section 1 Chemical reactions take place inside cells.

2 A. All cells are made of the same elements: elements - all living and nonliving matter in the universe can be broken down into pure substances - there are about 100 different known elements. -25 elements are necessary for life but only 6 account for 99% of the human body. atom - the smallest unit of an element (or matter) molecule – two or more atoms joined together compound – two or more different atoms joined together to form a molecule examples: water H2O carbon dioxide CO2

3 A. All cells are made of the same elements: chemical reaction - process where chemical changes occur -atoms are rearranged and chemical bonds are either broken or formed. -produces energy that cells use for life activities B. Large molecules support cell function: All large molecules in living things contain carbon (organic compounds). There are four types of large molecules. 1) carbohydrates3) proteins 2) lipids4) nucleic acids

4 B. Large molecules support cell function: 1)carbohydrates – provides the cell with energy and structural support (ex: sugar, starch and glucose) 2)lipids – provide cells with energy and used to build structures (ex: fats, oils and waxes that cannot mix with water) 3)proteins – support growth and repair tissue, control chemical reactions, allow movement, fight infection and deliver oxygen (ex: amino acids – building blocks of proteins) 4)nucleic acids – hold the instructions for maintenance, growth and reproduction of the cell (ex: DNA and RNA)

5 C. About two thirds of every cell is water: 1)A water molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom (H2O). 2)Water is a polar molecule, its two sides have slightly different charges. (positive & negative) 3)Like a magnet, the ends of polar molecules attract opposite charges and repel charges that are the same. 4)Most substances dissolve in water because it is a polar molecule. Those that mix attract, most lipids, like oil, repel and do not dissolve in water.

6 C. About two thirds of every cell is water: 5)Cell membranes are made of special lipids that have a “water-loving head” and a “water-hating tail”. The tails repel water molecules. 6)Cell membranes have a double layer of these lipids. They separate the inside of the cell from the outside.

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