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2005/07/12 (Tue)8th ACFA Full simulator study of muon detector and calorimeter 8th ACFA Workshop at Daegu, Korea 2005/07/12 (Tue) Hiroaki.

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Presentation on theme: "2005/07/12 (Tue)8th ACFA Full simulator study of muon detector and calorimeter 8th ACFA Workshop at Daegu, Korea 2005/07/12 (Tue) Hiroaki."— Presentation transcript:

1 2005/07/12 (Tue)8th ACFA meeting @Daegu Full simulator study of muon detector and calorimeter 8th ACFA Workshop at Daegu, Korea 2005/07/12 (Tue) Hiroaki Ono (Niigata University) with ACFA-sim-j members

2 2005/07/12 (Tue)8th ACFA meeting @Daegu Outline 1.Muon detector status in full simulator 2.Geometry of muon detector 3.Magnetic field in return yoke 4.MUD response with CAL information 1.Muon signal observation 2.Muon passing through the CAL 3.Pion leakage/punch through check 4.Muon generated from Jet/CAL inside 5.Summary and next steps

3 2005/07/12 (Tue)8th ACFA meeting @Daegu 1. Muon detector status in Full simulator Jupiter (Geant4 based MC generator) –Installation of muon geometry, magnetic field to the generator was finished (Outside of the Solenoid, as a return yoke) Satellites/jsf (ROOT base Analysis part) –Smearing and muon ID parts are under construction. –Exact(MC truth) hit can be analyzed. I will report on the current status of Muon detector(MUD) related to the Calorimeter in full simulator.

4 2005/07/12 (Tue)8th ACFA meeting @Daegu 2. Geometry of Muon detector Active layer (10cm-thick, not segmented) – Air : Default, Gas chamber reserved – Scintillator : test version Absorber (40cm-thick) – Iron (as a return yoke) Barrel : 4 layers Endcap : 5+2(inner) layers Alternately placed barrel and endcap layer Octagonal shape in the phi direction Z direction X-Y direction

5 2005/07/12 (Tue)8th ACFA meeting @Daegu 3. Magnetic field in the Return yoke Magnetic field/ Flux line Unit: Tesla We followed this results to the full simulator magnetic field Return Yoke magnetic field studied by KEK H.Yamaoka-san

6 2005/07/12 (Tue)8th ACFA meeting @Daegu Magnetic field in full simulator Magnetic field direction and magnitude roughly followed Yamaoka-san’s results

7 2005/07/12 (Tue)8th ACFA meeting @Daegu Magnetic field test by muon  - 10 GeV single beam Injected to the Barrel direction Opposite curvature at the inside of solenoid and outside.

8 2005/07/12 (Tue)8th ACFA meeting @Daegu 4. MUD response with CAL information 1. Observed muon signal by muon detector 2. Muons passing through the CAL 3. Pion leakage from CAL (punch through) e + e - →Z→qq (2 jets) event check Single beam (  ) test 4. Number of muons produced in Jets or created inside of the CAL Unfortunately, solenoid is set to air at Jupiter default. I checked the interaction length as only 7.1 0 (CAL) Ignored the solenoid material in this study

9 2005/07/12 (Tue)8th ACFA meeting @Daegu 4.1 Observed muon signal by MUD layer Threshold will be set to 15 MeV as a MIP signal for the muon finding (mu ID)  Injection :10GeV  - barrel direction But muon finding/mu ID part is under construction Energy deposit checked in MUD front layer

10 2005/07/12 (Tue)8th ACFA meeting @Daegu 5GeV 2GeV 4.2 Muons passing through the CAL Less than 5 GeV Rapidly decrease the number of muons come out from CAL Less than 1.5 GeV No muons can leak out CAL Low energy muons can not come out from the calorimeter due to the Energy loss at the CAL and Magnetic field.   - single beam energy scan 1 ~ 300 GeV 500 events barrel direction In this study, I ignored the solenoid material

11 2005/07/12 (Tue)8th ACFA meeting @Daegu 4.3 Pions leak or punch through from the CAL 20 GeV : 11 pions(   ) 100 GeV : 156 pions(  ± ) Punch through   High energy (almost same as incident energy) punch through pions observed. (Still low statistics)   single beam energy scan 2 ~ 300GeV 500 pions barrel direction Vertical : Number of pions tagged at CAL outside Horizontal : Pion energy observed at CAL outside GeV

12 2005/07/12 (Tue)8th ACFA meeting @Daegu 20GeV Number of pions come out from the CAL 20GeV Sum of the pions energy normalized by number of incident pions Number of pions and Energy leakage from CAL Leakage energy delivered by pions is about 2% of the incident pion energy. Number of pions passing through or leaked out from CAL increased from the pions incident energy up to 20 GeV Incident particle : 500 pions

13 2005/07/12 (Tue)8th ACFA meeting @Daegu 4.4 Muons generated from jet/CAL e + e - →Z→qq E CM = 300 GeV, Events = 500 events   Calorimeter Muon detector  created inside of the CAL   from jet

14 2005/07/12 (Tue)8th ACFA meeting @Daegu Muons checked at CAL outside e + e - →Z→qq (2 jets) (E cm : 300GeV, 500events) 226 muons observed at CAL out Mean Energy : 18.5 GeV (Max ~ 140 GeV) 22 muons observed Energy : Less than 10 GeV Background of jet origin muon  comes from jet (tagged at CAL front and out)  generated inside of the CAL (tagged only at CAL backside)

15 2005/07/12 (Tue)8th ACFA meeting @Daegu 5. Summary and Next steps We finished the installation of MUD geometry, Magnetic field to the Jupiter. We checked the MUD response and CAL leakage by single muon, pion beam and jet events. Change solenoid material to real case and recheck. BUG fix should be improved in full simulator. MUD should be changed to the tracker base. Evaluate Muon finding efficiency. Next steps... Current status...

16 2005/07/12 (Tue)8th ACFA meeting @Daegu Appendix

17 2005/07/12 (Tue)8th ACFA meeting @Daegu Full simulator geometry Calorimeter : EM : 4mm lead + 1mm scintillator : HD : 8mm lead + 2mm scintillator EM 27X 0 + HD 6.1l 0 (7.1l 0 ) Muon : 200cm (Iron : 11.8l 0 ) Pb : dE/dX = 217.9 MeV/l 0 Solenoid : 85cm(with 10cm core)

18 2005/07/12 (Tue)8th ACFA meeting @Daegu Muon checked at CAL front (E>1.5GeV) e + e - →Z →qqbar (E cm : 300GeV, 500events)  generated inside of the CAL 692 muons observed Energy : Cut > 1.5GeV GeV Number of muons measured at the CAL front

19 2005/07/12 (Tue)8th ACFA meeting @Daegu Muon finding methods (Under construction) m Search MIP peak in the MUD (threshold > 10MeV) All layer passing event required Check mother track CAL(Front/Out) MUD CAL Track matching with tracker Tracker Under construction !

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