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Simplify this. Which is the answer? A D B E C. Rationalising Surds Know what Rationalising a denominator means. Understand how to rationalise a denominator.

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Presentation on theme: "Simplify this. Which is the answer? A D B E C. Rationalising Surds Know what Rationalising a denominator means. Understand how to rationalise a denominator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Simplify this. Which is the answer? A D B E C

2 Rationalising Surds Know what Rationalising a denominator means. Understand how to rationalise a denominator in single term and two term denominators. Be able to identify questions where rationalising is required.

3 Rationalising Surds What are the different parts of a fraction called? The numerator or denominator can be a surd.

4 Rationalise Surds You’ll be rationalising the denominator more often than not. Multiply top and bottom by the Surd from denominator.

5 Rationalise Surds You’ll be rationalising the denominator more often than not.

6 Difference of Two squares Conjugate pairs – Identical brackets but with different signs. What happens to the surds when you expand out conjugate pairs?

7 Difference of Two Squares When conjugate pairs are expanded, the surds are cancelled out. The results are a rational number. You will be doing this a lot in rationalising the denominator

8 Difference of Two squares Quick and Easy Method

9 Difference of Two squares & SURDS multiply top and bottom by conjugate pair

10 Tarsia Time Using the skills from this lesson and last, complete the puzzle in groups.

11 Questions

12 1

13 2

14 Homework

15 Homework is up on Moodle. 1)Do all the questions in the homework task. 2)Review and correct your answers with the solutions before handing it in 3)Homework is handed in on deadline when a test is done.

16 Homework Failure to hand in homework 1)An agreed date is set for hand in 2)Failure to hand in again, Tutors are informed 3)Repeat offender will have a phone call home

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