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Year 7 Schemes of work. Unit 1 Level 1/2 New language content New context Alternative context Language Greetings: Ciao! Salve! Buongiorno! Arrivederci!

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Presentation on theme: "Year 7 Schemes of work. Unit 1 Level 1/2 New language content New context Alternative context Language Greetings: Ciao! Salve! Buongiorno! Arrivederci!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 7 Schemes of work

2 Unit 1 Level 1/2 New language content New context Alternative context Language Greetings: Ciao! Salve! Buongiorno! Arrivederci! Introductions: Come ti chiami? Mi chiamo Maria. Where one lives: Dove abiti? Abito in Via.. Age: Quanti anni hai? Ho....anni Birthdays: Quandé il tuo compleanno? Family: Hai fratelli/ sorelle? Si, ho un fratello! No, non ho sorelle. Pets: Hai animali a casa? Si, ho un gatto. No, non ho animali - - -Say hello & goodbye: -Ask someone their name -Say your name -Numbers 1-31 -Where you live -Basic pronunciation / spelling rules - Negatives -Present tense of avere -Indefinite Article -Meeting and greeting people -The date, age and birthdays -Months -Seasons -The alphabet -Family -Pets -Cultural awareness art music food / drinks monuments famous artists Italian icons (Vespa, Ferrari) -Songs: Il piccolo naviglio (numbers) -Nella vecchia fattoria -Hai un animale? (pets) -Nursery rhymes: -Filastrocca dei mesi (months) Alfabeto: Aula Banco Cattedra Diario Evidenziatore Foglio Gomma Hi-fi Inchiostro Libro Matita Neon Orologio Penna Quaderno Riga Sedia Televisione Uniforme Video Zaino

3 Unit 2New language contentNew context Alternative context Level range La scuola - Definite articles - Numbers 32-69 - Regular plurals -Asking for and giving simple opinions and reasons using perché? -Further pronunciation / spelling rules and classroom instructions - Imperative -Classroom objects -Classroom instructions -Names -Age -Birthdays -The alphabet -Negative -Days of the week -The verb avere -Nursery rhymes: (alphabet) (days of the week) -Song: (happy birthday) 1-3

4 Unit 3New language contentNew context Alternative context Level range Passatempi -Giocare a + definite article -Use of infinitive after amare and other verbs -Adverbs of time and frequency -Combining sentences with conjunctions -Numbers 70-100 -Common irregular verbs (eg fare and andare) -A + definite article -Regular are verbs -Prepositions -Sport -Musical instruments - Hobbies -Writing an informal letter -Home activities -Domestic tasks -School activities -Self and family -Opinions -Songs: (Dove vai?) 1-3+

5 Unit 4New language contentNew context Alternative context Level range La famiglia -possessive adjectives (1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd person) -agreement of adjectives -further pronunciation / spelling rules -Introduction to independent reading -Present tense of the verb essere -Physical descriptions -Description of personality -Names -Ages -Birthdays -Where people live -Verb avere (1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd person singular) -Songs: la famiglia dei Gobbon (family) 2-4

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