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Meiosis Day 7. Warm-up Worksheet for journal. Google Form Survey on Meiosis unit. I’m going to split you up into 4 groups.

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Presentation on theme: "Meiosis Day 7. Warm-up Worksheet for journal. Google Form Survey on Meiosis unit. I’m going to split you up into 4 groups."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meiosis Day 7

2 Warm-up Worksheet for journal. Google Form Survey on Meiosis unit. I’m going to split you up into 4 groups.

3 Question 1: Draw me a set of homologous chromosomes. Question 2 Draw sister chromatids. Question 3: Show me how these chromosomes can independently assort in 2 different ways.

4 Question 4: Which phase does crossing over occur? Draw crossing over. Draw the difference between telophase 1 and telophase 2. Draw a Venn diagram that compares and contrasts mitosis and mieosis Question 5: Question 6:

5 Question 7 Create a flow chart using the vocab: ▫zygote ▫Meiosis ▫fertilization ▫haploid cells ▫gametes ▫diploid cells (show this twice)

6 Questions 8+ What are some factors that have limited the genetic diversity in the cheetah population? How does the male cheetah increase genetic diversity? How does the female cheetah increase genetic diversity? Could this “cheaters” this method work with female humans? What would be the disadvantages?

7 Question 9: THINK: These little girls are not identical, but they are twins. How is this possible?

8 Essay Question:

9 Karyotypes Finish gluing your karyotypes ▫They should be largest to smallest ▫Make sure the sex chromosomes are at the very end of the karyotype. ▫NUMBER the homologous pairs (1-22) sex chromosomes are not numbered. Answering the questions on the worksheet Then come see me!

10 Karyotypes: Think Question: Describe a way that you think this abnormality could occur during the process of meiosis. How could this abnormality affect this individual?



13 Trisomy 18: Edwards Syndrome Extra chromosome #18 This occurs before fertilization Affects females more Very low survival rate. Kidney malformation, developmental delays, breathing and feeding difficulties, microcephaly, cleft palate, clenched hands.

14 Trisomy 21: Down syndrome 3 copies of chromosome #21 during gamete development. One of the most common chromosome abnormalities. Heart problems, vision problems, hearing problems, low IQ, slow growth

15 Chromosome #15: Angelman Syndrome Deletion or inactivity of maternal chromosome #15. Developmental delay, speech impairment, seizures, happy disposition. Not degenerative, does not get worse with age.

16 Extra X Chromosome: Klinefelter Syndrome. Two or more X chromosomes. Majority of people affected identify as males Symptoms are usually noticed during puberty Sterile, greater height, less strength, less body hair, smaller genitals. Irreversible, but individuals may choose to take hormones to develop in a more regular way.

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