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What happens when some are no longer with us. We should not be content here (Eccl. 3.9-11) One fate is guaranteed to all and we do not know when it will.

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Presentation on theme: "What happens when some are no longer with us. We should not be content here (Eccl. 3.9-11) One fate is guaranteed to all and we do not know when it will."— Presentation transcript:

1 What happens when some are no longer with us

2 We should not be content here (Eccl. 3.9-11) One fate is guaranteed to all and we do not know when it will come (Eccl. 9.1-3, 11-12) People leave Stephen’s death (Acts 8.1-2) Paul at Ephesus (Acts 20.37-38) The Thessalonian church (1 Thess. 4.13) How do we cope when some are gone? Loss is normal

3 What did God tell Elijah during his weakest point? (1 Kings 19.13-16) How did Christians facing persecution respond? (Acts 8.4) What were priests commanded in mourning? (Lev. 21.1ff) What does “busy-ness” do for us? (Eccl. 5.18-20) The truth is that “life goes on”—we do not have unlimited time (Jn. 9.4) Work

4 What did Jesus ask John from the cross? (Jn. 19.25-27) What did the apostles do after the death of Judas? (Acts 1.21-22) What did Paul do after Barnabas left? (Acts 15.40) We make new connections and take on new responsibilities as faithful men and women are replaced—these are opportunities (2 Tim. 4.1ff) Replace

5 Where did David go after his son died? (2 Sam. 12.20) How did Job react to his loss? (Job 1.20) What did the church do when James died? (Acts 12.12) What is the benefit to considering death? (Eccl. 7.1-4, 13-14) Praise God for what we have had in this life and the opportunities we’ve shared (Phil. 4.10) Worship

6 Does God care about His people? (Ps. 72.12-14) How does God view our losses? (Ps. 116.15) What is most important to us as Christians? (Rom. 8.35-37) What do we look toward? (1 Cor. 15.50-58) When we think of those whom we’ve lost, we can hope to see them again (2 Sam. 12.23) Rejoice

7 Work Replace Worship Rejoice How do we cope with loss?

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