Software Development: Massive, Rapid Network Processing with Ambiguity Resolution Geoff Blewitt.

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Presentation on theme: "Software Development: Massive, Rapid Network Processing with Ambiguity Resolution Geoff Blewitt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Software Development: Massive, Rapid Network Processing with Ambiguity Resolution Geoff Blewitt

2 Problem Desirable to include as many stations as possible to define SNARF Desirable to produce one unique, rigorous solution with ambiguity resolution PPP is fast, linear ~N (<10 sec/station/cpu) But ambiguity resolution is slow (~N 4 )  Typically limited to ~50 station clusters  Cluster processing not rigorous, not convenient Can ambiguity be made linear and yet rigorous?

3 Solution Ambizap algorithm – input is PPP solution Solves ambiguities for N-1 neighboring pairs  So is linear ~N, (< 5 sec/station/cpu) Does not count data twice Agrees with full network ambiguity resolution  To << 1 mm rms in station coordinates Implemented for cluster processing 700 station network resolved in ~1 hour/cpu. 1,000,000 rinex files in 2 days on 44-cpu cluster

4 Progress on Analysis 1994-2007:  IGS  BARGEN  SCIGN  PANGA  EBRY  EUREF  NEARNET (240 station semi-continuous network)  PPP + ambizap takes 7 days on 44-cpu cluster


6 Mid-Term Prospects UNR solution for SNARF  See preliminary solution by Kreemer et al.  Still need to carefully screen time series Ambizap in GIPSY  In collaboration with JPL, ambizap is being implemented in future distribution of GIPSY (where ambizap follows PPP performed by “”)  Can be implemented on ~4K cpu Caltech cluster  No practical limit to number of stations (e.g., could easily be tens of thousands per day).

7 Long-Term Prospects PPP does not improve orbits  So does not improve global-scale parameters Implement ambizap into global IGS processing  Goal: one consistent global-scale solution  Orbit determination using ~1,000 stations, with ambiguity resolution (carrier range)! This in turn will improve PPP, and so on.  Possibly an iterative solution to this. Preliminary scheme has been designed. Will lead to improved reference frames.

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