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Cheryl Bible Chapel Men’s meeting handouts- Session 3 3/6/2016 www.cherylbiblechapel.com1.

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1 Cheryl Bible Chapel Men’s meeting handouts- Session 3 3/6/2016 www.cherylbiblechapel.com1

2 1 Samuel 16:14-23 Saul’s moods and David’s Music Music a powerful tool Psalms – A hymn book. The book of Psalms contains 150 songs that God wants us to have, so that we could explore the joy of music as an expression of Him. David was not simply anointed to rule but he was willing to serve.

3 Vs 14+15 Saul’s disobedience Great lesson- To obey is better that sacrifice Vs 14- The Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and an evil Spirit from the Lord troubled Him. Lesson from Acts 2 Lesson from Psalm 51 www.cherylbiblechapel.com3

4 Vs 16+17 The Remarkable suggestion A harp player sought out by Saul’s servants www.cherylbiblechapel.com4

5 vs 18 The inspired selection- David a) He was a skilled musician b) He was a mighty man of valor c) He was called prudent in matters d) He was an agreeable person e) The Lord is with him www.cherylbiblechapel.com5

6 vs 19+20 The extraordinary servant Vs 21-23 The unique solution Though David was God’s chosen leader, he was willing to stand and do his duty for the king. The greatest way to express love is through service. www.cherylbiblechapel.com6

7 3 principles First: Love grows out of ministry. Second: Ministry helps heal and brings comfort as music does. Third: Serving is good training for leading. www.cherylbiblechapel.com7

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