By: Daniel Heigh. Humans are the jaguar’s main threat People hunt them for their fur They are also hunted to protect wild stock Doesn’t attack humans.

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1 By: Daniel Heigh


3 Humans are the jaguar’s main threat People hunt them for their fur They are also hunted to protect wild stock Doesn’t attack humans unless cornered 1960-1980 over 18,000 jaguars were killed by humans

4 There are only 15,000 jaguars remaining They will most likely not go extinct because of all of the protection programs in place to bring them back

5 Jaguars help maintain the population of other animals It is a keystone species in many tropical ecosystems For some cultures the jaguar is their god

6 Established a 50,000-acre reserve to help protect the northernmost breeding jaguars Won a significant court decision directing the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to produce a science-based jaguar recovery plan. Initiated a motion-camera monitoring project in Arizona’s Patagonia Mountains to observe the jaguars to better understand their way of life

7 The jaguar come back is very successful There is not an exact percentage of their progress but scientist are positive that jaguars no longer have to worry about going extinct Many reservations have been set up for jaguars to live in

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