Athens Project Meeting Finance and evidence reporting.

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Presentation on theme: "Athens Project Meeting Finance and evidence reporting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Athens Project Meeting Finance and evidence reporting

2 To date So far, the project has reported expenditure of 328,479.64 euros We are currently preparing the first set of payments The majority of partners are now reporting on time. Expenditure is now increasing as partners now fully operational

3 Reporting Reporting is improving, however partners are still learning the process Your payments depend on all the evidence being received I am only double checking your work, each partner is responsible for making sure all evidence is kept and meets audit requirements

4 Evidence In Roma Source project had a final audit failure rate of 0.096% The average failure rate of European Commission audits is 5.00% This demonstrates that the procedures and rules we enforce work as they ultimately save partners money. If we ask for it, we need it!

5 Improvements Reporting on time and in full Make sure each cost is reported separately, not grouped together so I can find and match Try and send through evidence scans grouped by topic, not all in one Always ensure that all documents have, where possible, Roma Matrix logos, flags and disclaimers.

6 Any Questions

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