The SPL Short Cryo-module: Status Report V.Parma, CERN, TE-MSC On bahalf of the Cryomodule development team SPL seminar December 2012, 6-7 December 2012,

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Presentation on theme: "The SPL Short Cryo-module: Status Report V.Parma, CERN, TE-MSC On bahalf of the Cryomodule development team SPL seminar December 2012, 6-7 December 2012,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The SPL Short Cryo-module: Status Report V.Parma, CERN, TE-MSC On bahalf of the Cryomodule development team SPL seminar December 2012, 6-7 December 2012, CERN

2 The actors on stage... System/Component/ActivityPerson(s) in chargeLab Cavities/He vessel/tuner constructionO.Brunner, O.Capatina, Th.Renaglia, F.Pillon, N.Valverde, M.Esposito, I.Aviles, G.Devanz CERN CEA-Saclay SRF, magnetic shielding, Clean-Room activities, RF test stations (SM18) E.Ciapala, T.Junginger, K.Shirm, J.Chambrillon, O.Brunner CERN RF CouplerE.Montesinos, G.Devanz CERN CEA Saclay Vacuum systemsG.VandoniCERN Cryogenics, (cryo infrastructure SM18)U.Wagner, (O.Pirotte)CERN Survey and alignmentP.BestmanCERN Cryo-module conceptual designR.Bonomi, D.Caparros, O.Capatina, P.Coelho, V.Parma,Th.Renaglia, A.Vande Craen, L.R.Williams CERN Cryo-module detailed design & Integration & Cryostat assembly tooling Ph.Dambre, P.Duthil, P.Duchesne, S.Rousselot, D.Reynet CNRS/IPNO-Orsay SPL Machine architectureF.GerigkCERN ESS Cryomodule developmentsCh.DarveESS, Lund Cryo-module Technical CoordinationV.ParmaCERN ESS/CERN Fellow

3 SPL Cryomodule Workspace

4 SPL Cryomodule Working Group 8 meetings in 2012 (from March on)

5 SPL Cryomodule exhibition (CERN, French in-kind meeting, June 2012)


7 Assembly sequence 1- String of cavities outside the clean room2- Mounting of the magnetic shields4- Mounting of the cryogenic distribution3- Mounting of the tuners and inter-cavity connections5- Mounting of the coupler cooling line6- Mounting of the thermal shield7- Insertion in the vacuum vessel8- Closing the vacuum vessel Design by CNRS-IPNO (S.Rousselot)

8 2 parts vacuum vessel Material is low-carbon steel (LHC type) Vessel as magnetic shielding: need for degaussing? Flanges in St.steel (304L)

9 Mechanical analysis at CNRS Loads when closing 242mm 1.2mm rattrapé par 2 vis contigües Effect of a gap at closure CNRS-IPNO, P.Duchesne, P.Duthil

10 …and at CERN See Paulo Azevedo’s talk Mounting of the lid: effect of flat flanges shape imperfections; CERN approach Load case 1 Load case 2 Deformed shape:

11 Pressure relief devices See Paulo Azevedo’s talk First risk analysis made HSE now in the loop (C.Parente), several meetings took place Sizing of safety relief devices: – Burst disks to protect helium circuits – Pressure relief plate to protect insulation vacuum vessel

12 Vacuum vessel detailed design Specification detailed drawings in preparation at CNRS-IPNO Drawings approval in progress Consultation of companies started Procurement to be launched beginning 2013 by CNRS-IPNO

13 Cold magnetic shield Status: Following feedback from RF (T.Junginger), a re-design has been proposed by CNRS and approved, ready for detailed drawings Cold magnetic shield Double layer Coupler sideTuner side Design by CNRS-IPNO (S.Rousselot)

14 Cryogenic distribution x y z Pumping line (XB) To cold box and SM18 2 phase tube (line X) Vapours collector Liquid container LHe Level gauge Courtesy CNRS-IPNO (S.Rousselot, P.Duthil)

15 Valve box and cryogenic scheme in SM18 Control valves grouped in a single valve box Valve box needed also for interfacing CM to cryogenic distribution in SM18 Overpressure safety devices

16 Valve box Status: Conceptual design finished Valves being ordered by TE-CRG Heater on the thermal shield will warm up thermal shield helium to the CM needs (50K)  design in progress From SM18 To CM Vacuum barrier Vacuum vessel Thermal shield Courtesy CNRS-IPNO (S.Rousselot, P.Duthil)

17 Cryo valve specs JT valves (common and single valves): – Use : superfuid helium – Diameter: DN4 – WEKA standard design: h=875mm - PN25 - no thermal contact, no G10 spindle rod – Po=normally closed actuators – helium guard seal for subatmospheric applications – Kv max as controlled valve: 0.6m3/h Required max. Kv at 100% stroke: 0.1 m3/h (common), 0,02 m3/h (single) Required min. Kv at 5% stroke: 0.001 m3/h – Equal percentage – Quantity: 4 Needs agreed with TE-CRG (R.Van Weelderen)  TE-CRG can start procurement Cool-down valves: – Use : liquid/gas helium – Diameter: DN4 – WEKA standard design: h=875mm - PN25 - Standard sealing to outside - no thermal contact, no G10 spindle rod – Po=normally closed actuators – Kv max as controlled valve: 0.6m3/h Required max. Kv at 100% stroke: 0.18 m3/h (common), 0,02 m3/h (single) Required min. Kv at 5% stroke: 0.004 m3/h – Equal percentage – Quantity: 4 Coupler cooling valve: – Use : Liquid/gas helium – Diameter: DN2 – WEKA standard design: h=875mm - PN25 - Standard sealing to outside - no thermal contact, no G10 spindle rod – Po=normally closed actuators – Kv max as controlled valve: 0.15m3/h Required max. Kv at 100% stroke: 0.06 m3/h (common), 0,02 m3/h (single) Required min. Kv at 5% stroke: 0.002 m3/h – Equal percentage – Quantity: 1 9 cryo valves

18 Cavity vacuum valves Choice discussed with TE-VSC (G.Vandoni)  ready for procurement

19 Cryomodule instrumentation ~100 T gauges 10 Elec.heaters 4 He level gauges 4 Piezos, tuners,HOM Pressure gauges Optical Wire Position Monitor

20 Bunker integration studies at CERN SM18 bunker Valve box RF distribution Cryo line interface Cryo-module Study by P. Martinez Yanez and B.Riffaud, EN-MME

21 SPECIAL LENGTH CORRESPONDING TO CRYOMODULE ANGLE Study by P. Martinez Yanez and B.Riffaud, EN-MME Pending work: Full integration study (access, services, safety evacuation of He, …) Design and construction of an inclination table (0%-2%) for the cryomodule Study the opening of the CM top part of vessel for in-situ maintenance and construction of the handling equipment Bunker integration studies at CERN CRYOMODULE 2% INCLINATION

22 Status of supporting system mock-up See P. Azevedo’s and R. Bonomi’s talks

23 Master Schedule Preparation of SM18 infrastructure (cryogenics, RF, clean-room) Cavities production Cavities processing/RF testing RF couplers Clean room assembly of string Cryomodule (& assy tooling) design Cryomodule fabrication Cryomodule assembly Start cryomodule RF testing

24 Summary 2012, Outlook 2013 Notable progress in the design of the CM this year: – Vacuum vessel: almost ready for procurement – Magnetic shield: design finalized – Cryogenic piping: design well progressed – Thermal shield: design in progress – Cryogenic and vacuum valves: choice made, procurement can start – Instrumentation: preliminary list Assembly tooling: – Concepts only: work needs to start now Valve box: – Conceptual design made Major milestones for 2013 – Launch procurement of vacuum vessel, early 2013 – Other parts to be ordered by mid 2013 – Design of assembly tooling by mid 2013

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