VBWG Physician tools. VBWG 3-minute lifestyle interview: Nutrition How many servings do you eat per day: –Fruits and vegetables? –Whole grains? How many.

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Presentation on theme: "VBWG Physician tools. VBWG 3-minute lifestyle interview: Nutrition How many servings do you eat per day: –Fruits and vegetables? –Whole grains? How many."— Presentation transcript:

1 VBWG Physician tools

2 VBWG 3-minute lifestyle interview: Nutrition How many servings do you eat per day: –Fruits and vegetables? –Whole grains? How many servings of fish do you eat per week? How often do you eat desserts? What are your favorite snack foods? Do you eat because you are hungry or because there is food around? Do you weigh the most now that you’ve ever weighed? Are you interested in losing weight? Adapted from Eckel RH. AHA. http://scientificsessions.americanheart.org.

3 VBWG 3-Minute lifestyle interview: Physical activity How many steps do you take each day? Do you have a regular exercise program? Do you typically take elevators or escalators or climb the stairs? Do you park as close as you can to your destination? What limits your level of physical activity? Have you been evaluated for this? Would you like to become more active? Adapted from Eckel RH. AHA. http://scientificsessions.americanheart.org.

4 VBWG Effective smoking cessation strategies Counseling/Behavioral Practical counseling –Problem solving –Skills training Social support –Intra- and extra- treatment Pharmacotherapies First line –Bupropion SR –Nicotine gum, inhaler, nasal spray, patch Second line –Clonidine –Nortriptyline Office of the Surgeon General. www.surgeongeneral.gov/tobacco/treating_tobacco_use.pdf.

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