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Ten Mile Day Day 3. What challenges do immigrants encounter?

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Presentation on theme: "Ten Mile Day Day 3. What challenges do immigrants encounter?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ten Mile Day Day 3

2 What challenges do immigrants encounter?

3 How do the immigrants who worked for the Central Pacific Railroad show allegiance to the company? What groups do you feel allegiance to? Think about emblems that symbolize America. What emblems are meaningful to you?

4 Concept Map Let’s add the words allegiance and emblems under New Country, because immigrants needed to have a new allegiance to their new country. They had to learn to recognize new emblems for their new country.

5 sustenance- means food or nourishment, or source of strength or life What type of sustenance do you think the workers will receive throughout the day? Teach your partner what this amazing word means.

6 adversity- means great difficulty or hardship The pioneers faced many adversities as they crossed the Great Plains. Teach your partner what this amazing word means

7 Barren- unable to produce fruit Syn-fruitless The farmer’s trees were barren and looked empty in the field. Deafening- very loud Syn-earsplitting The jet roared over the house with a deafening roar.

8 Lurched- rolled suddenly Syn-blundered The car lurched forward in the garage. Previous- occurs before in time Syn- earlier She enjoyed the previous show better.

9 Prying- to look at closely Syn-inquiring The girl looked into the closet with prying eyes. Surveying- looking carefully at Syn-appraise He was surveying the hill for his cat.

10 We need our books now.

11 You will retell the part of the story we read yesterday. When you retell you: Include all important details Maintain the meaning of the story Keep the story in a logical order Retell the story to your partner.

12 An effect is something that happens. What question can we ask to identify an effect? We should ask “what happened?”

13 A cause is why something happens. What question can we ask to identify a cause? We can ask “Why did this happen?” What other clue words can we look for?

14 We can begin again on page 154…  Who can summarize in one sentence what happens on page 154?  The crew’s quick work is the effect, but it doesn’t tell us the cause.

15 Let’s read on to page 156 and 157… Why did it take the men extra time to mold and fit every rail after lunch? Use the story to help describe the effects of the climb up the Promontory Mountains. Infer what the crew’s progress will be in the afternoon

16 With your partner read the story “Coming to the United States.” Don’t stop until I tell you to. Read aloud either together or one at a time. Make sure to use good pacing and correct voice inflection

17 Let’s read page 158-159… The main cause in this story was the bet Crocker made. What was the overall organization of the text? This overall organization of this story was cause-and-effect

18 With your partner, please retell the story.

19 Contractions This week we will use words that are a shortened form of two words. They contain apostrophes that show where letters have been left out.

20 Often misspelled words: That is That’s You are You’re Does not Doesn’t Could have Could’ve

21 Lets take a look at our Daily Fix it



24 This week we are writing an expository composition. An expository composition is a nonfiction writing that informs readers about a topic.

25 An expository composition tells about: Real people Real events Gives readers a description about something Gives readers an explanation about something

26 Expository compositions contain: An introduction with a topic sentence Body with main idea and supporting details conclusion

27 Let’s look at page 162-163 We are going to read a model of an expository composition.

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