C ROSS- C ULTURAL O RIENTATION World Mission – Church of the Nazarene.

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1 C ROSS- C ULTURAL O RIENTATION World Mission – Church of the Nazarene

2 WHAT A dynamic weekend event designed to assess, train, and orient those who are interested in cross-cultural ministry.

3 WHEN All cross-cultural training events are held Friday through Sunday.

4 WHERE Each cross-cultural training event is conveniently located at your Nazarene College or University.

5 HOW Download a Cross-Cultural Orientation Registration Form off our website at www.nivs.org or e-mail us at wmvolunteer@nazarene.org. www.nivs.org

6 Are you interested in learning about what it means to serve as a missionary? Then come on: Thursday from 7-9 p.m. (No Charge) Global Candidate Orientation What is a GCO?

7 WHAT will I learn? The GCO will give you information on what the Church of the Nazarene is looking for in those who are seeking to serve in missions.

8 SIGN UP for the CCO and GCO TODAY at www.nivs.org by selecting Cross-Cultural Orientation.

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