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AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 Aid in the management and European comparison of Municipal Solid WASte Treatment methods for a global.

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Presentation on theme: "AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 Aid in the management and European comparison of Municipal Solid WASte Treatment methods for a global."— Presentation transcript:

1 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 Aid in the management and European comparison of Municipal Solid WASte Treatment methods for a global and sustainable approach Fifth Framework Program

2 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP5 BIOLOGICAL TREATMENT

3 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP5 1. Objectives 2. Achievements 3. Deliverables Structure of this presentation

4 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP5 Objectives Achievements Deliverables

5 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP5 Objectives Achievements Deliverables 1. Development of a general procedure of data collection for evaluating the efficiency of biological treatment plants – BTP – (composting, anaerobic digestion - AD) 2. Data collection for several BTPs, following the developed procedure 3. Modelling and simulation analyses with the aim of improving the efficiency of the BTPs under study 4. If feasible, implementation and assessment of some of the improvement measures proposed

6 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP5 Objectives Achievements Deliverables 2 Levels of analysis 2 Levels of analysis 1. Biological process 2. Global

7 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP5 Objectives Achievements Deliverables Biological Process Global

8 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP5 Objectives Achievements Deliverables Biological Process Global Development of a Procedure for Data Acquisition  Data Collection   Kinetic Model Simulation of scenarios X OPTIMIZATION X X Adaptation and model construction

9 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP5 Objectives Achievements Deliverables Biological Process Global Data CollectedModel

10 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP5 Objectives Achievements Deliverables Biological Process Global Data CollectedModel Type of data Characterization of the following profiles for the Composting process: - Temperature - Oxygen concentration in the free air space - Free air space - Water content - Organic matter content Plants studied - 4 MSW Composting plants

11 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP5 Objectives Achievements Deliverables Biological Process Global Data CollectedModel r - rate of degradation of volatile solids k - reaction rate constant [VS] t - concentration of volatile solids at time t F(Water) - correction factor for water content F(Oxygen) - correction factor for oxygen concentration F(FAS) - correction factor for free air space

12 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP5 Objectives Achievements Deliverables Biological Process Global Data CollectedModel

13 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP5 Objectives Achievements Deliverables Biological Process Global

14 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP5 Objectives Achievements Deliverables Biological Process Global Procedure for Data Collection  Data Collection  Model  Adaptation  Simulation of Scenarios  OPTIMIZATION 

15 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP5 Objectives Achievements Deliverables Biological Process Global Data CollectedModelScenarios

16 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP5 Objectives Achievements Deliverables Biological Process Global Data CollectedModelScenarios Plants studied - 4 Composting plants (2 MSW, 2 Biowaste) - 1 Anaerobic digestion plant (Biowaste and industrial waste) Type of data All streams characterisation: - Flow - Composition (waste categories, chemical elements)

17 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP5 Objectives Achievements Deliverables Biological Process Global Data CollectedModelScenarios Each unit process  one unit model - Trommel  Sieve or simple separator - Overband  Simple separator - Densimetric table  Simple separator - Composting process: - Loss  Conversion & Simple sep. - Production of fines  Conversion - Size reduction  Mill - Adsorption of fines  Conversion

18 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003



21 WP5 Objectives Achievements Deliverables Biological Process Global Data CollectedModelScenarios - Introduction of a new plant in a system - Change of the input of an existing composting plant: - Type - Amount - Alteration in the process configuration of a plant

22 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP5 Objectives Achievements Deliverables Awast Deliverables Reports Simulator

23 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP5 Objectives Achievements Deliverables Awast Deliverables Reports Simulator D13 - Legislation survey on composting operations and compost use & methods for evaluation of process efficiency and compost quality in participating countries D15 - Methodology for evaluating the overall efficiency of biological treatment plants

24 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP5 Objectives Achievements Deliverables Awast Deliverables Reports Simulator 5 reports for the global level evaluation 1 report for the composting level evaluation

25 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP5 Objectives Achievements Deliverables Awast Deliverables Reports Simulator Instructions for the use of the Biological Treatment simulator

26 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP5 Objectives Achievements Deliverables 1. Development of a general procedure of data collection for evaluating the efficiency of biological treatment plants – BTP – (composting, anaerobic digestion - AD) 2. Data collection for several BTPs, following the developed procedure 3. Modelling and simulation analyses with the aim of improving the efficiency of the BTPs under study 4. If feasible, implementation and assessment of some of the improvement measures proposed    X

27 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP5 Objectives Achievements Deliverables -Methodology for efficiency evaluation of BTPs -New sets of BTPs data -Simulator for optimization of BTPs and for scenarios simulation In Summary

28 AWAST final meeting - Brussels - 1-3 december 2003 WP5 Objectives Achievements Deliverables Biological Process Global Data CollectedModelScenarios

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