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Language points 1 overcome 2 achieve 3 to have represented 4university entrance exam 5 set up 6ambition 7take …lessons 8beneficial 9in other words 10 bump.

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Presentation on theme: "Language points 1 overcome 2 achieve 3 to have represented 4university entrance exam 5 set up 6ambition 7take …lessons 8beneficial 9in other words 10 bump."— Presentation transcript:

1 Language points 1 overcome 2 achieve 3 to have represented 4university entrance exam 5 set up 6ambition 7take …lessons 8beneficial 9in other words 10 bump into 11 adapt to 12out of breath 13absence 14get annoyed 15all in all 16 sit around 17 as well as 18 make fun of 19 as rich …as

2 1 overcome I suggest that he should overcome the bad habit. It is so easy that we can overcome it by ourselves 2 achieve achieve success/victory/purpose 3 to have represented she said she was sorry to have missed you. the union represents 2000 students the picture represents the battle of waterloo.

3 4 train The boxer trained for a month before a competition You should train your dog not to bark. 5 set up They wanted to set up a state of their own, 6 ambition His ambition to become the Prime Minister is likely to be realized. 他要做首相的雄心可能会实现 He has great ambitions. 他胸怀大志

4 7 take a lesson He prefers to take English lessons than take Chinese lessons. Give a lesson/ teach sb a lesson 8 beneficial 1)be beneficial to sth./sb. 有益于 e.g. Sunshine is beneficial to plants. 2) benefit n. Give up smoking for the benefit of your health. 3) benefit vt./vi. We benefit from daily exercise.

5 In other words 9 In other words Your performance in the driving test didn’t reach the required standard-____, you failed. A. in the end B. after all C. in other words D. at the same time in word/ in words/in a word/ have a word with sb/ have words with sb 11 adapt He is quick to adapt himself to new environment. The story was adapted for a TV play. 10 bump into=knock into

6 12 out of breath take a deep breath/ hold one’s breath 13 absence/absent I t happened in my absence. 14 annoy He was annoyed with his wife because the dinner was badly cooked 因为那顿饭做的不好,所以他对妻子很气 15 all in all All in all, he is a perfect man. All in all, he admitted his mistakes They are all in all to each other.

7 16 As well as he sings as well as playing the piano 17 as…adj…a …n…as He is as clever a boy as his brother It is as quite a village as it was.

8 sentences 1 I am happy to have found many… 2 I don’t have time to sit around felling sorry for…. 3 As well as going to…. 4 Having a disability doesn’t mean… 5 Give them encouragement to live as rich and full a life as you do.

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