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+ Transportation By: Cissy Suguitan. + Transport available in 1900’s and 1920’s Horses Paddle streamers Boats Ships Taxi Wagon.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Transportation By: Cissy Suguitan. + Transport available in 1900’s and 1920’s Horses Paddle streamers Boats Ships Taxi Wagon."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Transportation By: Cissy Suguitan

2 + Transport available in 1900’s and 1920’s Horses Paddle streamers Boats Ships Taxi Wagon

3 + Roads that had been designed for horse transport began to deteriorate under increasing loads of traffic. In 1906 local governments supplied 96% of the road funding. Roads had to be redesigned and rebuilt to accommodate automobiles. New road rules had to be introduced New road signs New methods of controlling traffic History of roads

4 + Taxi wagons: Six horses were used to pull the wagon

5 + Paddle streamer

6 + 1920’s technical advances on automobiles Cars saw many technical advances that improved the functions of the automobile. First had mechanical brakes on all four wheels Safety glass that did not shatter when broken was introduced in these vintage cars and helped prevent serious injury from even minor accidents.

7 + Small buggy auto mobile

8 + Automobiles before Less reliable when it came down to traveling long distances In some ways, it was more safe. Glass Thin tires [pros and cons] Compared to today Modern Automobiles today are reliable to drive love distances. hybrid-economical automobiles

9 + Work cited tm tm

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