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Seed networks in West Africa: Relationships between seed sellers and farmers at the village and country levels Project team: Bo Yao, Jaci Gagnon, Kristal.

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Presentation on theme: "Seed networks in West Africa: Relationships between seed sellers and farmers at the village and country levels Project team: Bo Yao, Jaci Gagnon, Kristal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seed networks in West Africa: Relationships between seed sellers and farmers at the village and country levels Project team: Bo Yao, Jaci Gagnon, Kristal Jones

2 Project Goal To create a relational database containing information about individual farmers who have purchased improved variety sorghum seeds in Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger; the seed sellers from which farmers purchased seeds; and the national level statistics describing agriculture in each country

3 Database design – Data source Primary data – semi-structured interviews, geographic coordinates Secondary data – public databases

4 Data Layers With Detailed Elements Farmers Age, Gender, Village, ID number, Packages Bought, Variety Bought, Farm Size Seeds Variety name, Growth Cycle, Color, Yield, Location Sold, Rainfall requirement, Yield, ID number Seed Sellers Seller ID, Gender, Village, Varieties Sold, Type of Seller, Starting Inventory, Amount of Customers, Amount Sold Village Village Name, Latitude, Longitude, Village ID, Country ID Country Average rainfall, Country ID, Country name, Population, Gender Ratio, Average Age, Average Land Size, Crops Grown

5 Database design – sample E-R diagram

6 Relationships among tables in database

7 Sample Query: What varieties do seed sellers in Mali sell? SELECT tblSeeds.VarietyName FROM tblSeeds, tblVillage, tblRelHas, tblSeedseller, tblRelSells WHERE tblVillage.CountryID=1 AND tblRelHas.VillageID=tblVillage.VillageID AND tblRelHas.SellerID=tblSeedseller.SellerID AND tblSeedseller.ID=tlbRelSells.SellerID AND tblRelSells.VarietyID=tblSeeds.VarietyID;

8 Error message? The Microsoft Access database engine cannot find the input table or query ‘tblSeeds’. Make sure it exists and that its name is spelled correctly.

9 Correction SELECT Seed.VarietyName FROM Seed, Village, RelHas, Seedseller, RelSells WHERE Village.CountryID=1 AND RelHas.VillageID=Village.VillageID AND RelHas.SellerID=Seedseller.SellerID AND Seedseller.ID=RelSells.SellerID AND RelSells.VarietyID=Seed.VarietyID;

10 SELECT Seed.VarietyName FROM Seed, Village, RelHas, Seedseller, RelSells WHERE Village.CountryID=1 AND RelHas.VillageID=Village.VillageID AND RelHas.SellerID=RelSells.SellerID AND RelSells.VarietyID=Seed.VarietyID;

11 SELECT Distinct Seed.VarietyName FROM Seed, Village, RelHas, Seedseller, RelSells WHERE (((Village.CountryID)=1) AND ((RelHas.VillageID)=[Village].[VillageID ]) AND ((RelHas.SellerID)=[RelSells].[SellerID]) AND ((RelSells.VarietyID)=[Seed].[VarietyID] ));

12 Seeds In Mali

13 Burina Faso Niger ((Village.CountryID)=3 (Village.CountryID)=2)

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