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 Understanding Idiomatic Expressions Understanding Idiomatic Expressions  Exercises Exercises.

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2  Understanding Idiomatic Expressions Understanding Idiomatic Expressions  Exercises Exercises

3 BOOK1 Unit6 BOOK1 I. Understanding Idiomatic Expressions The meaning of idiomatic expressions can be very hard—even impossible—to guess. Word formations in dictionaries don’t always help, and can even fool us entirely! But sometimes context clues—examples, explanations, opposites or similar phrases— can be helpful to figure out the meaning of idiomatic expressions.

4 BOOK1 Unit6 BOOK1 1. The new comer was as comfortable as an old shoe and we soon became friends. II. Exercises: Guess the meaning of the following idiomatic expressions. key easy to talk and work with easy to talk and work with

5 BOOK1 Unit6 BOOK1 2. A motor would be a white elephant to him, because he can’t drive. key a big but useless object to its owner a big but useless object to its owner

6 BOOK1 Unit6 BOOK1 3. I told her to read over her composition and weed out every sentence that was not about the subject. key to remove what is unwanted to remove what is unwanted

7 BOOK1 Unit6 BOOK1 4. Some students are lazy, but others beat their brains and succeed. key to think out sth. difficult to think out sth. difficult

8 BOOK1 Unit6 BOOK1 5. The way most people look at you, you’d think a trashman was a monster. Say hello and they stare at you in surprise. They don’t realize we’re human. key: a trashman is someone that everyone wants to get away from a trashman is someone that everyone wants to get away from

9  Attitudes to Trashmen’s Work?

10 BOOK1 Unit6 BOOK1 1. People’s response to greeting from a trashman:  nothing  a surprised stare  startled  retreat indoors  frightened  coldness Make lists of major points

11 BOOK1 Unit6 BOOK1 2. Steve’s attitude to his own work:  do it for the money, not the only work he can do;  not be ashamed of it, but not boast about it;  not dirty;  as good as we are.

12 BOOK1 Unit6 BOOK1 3. Author’s attitude to his own work:  exercise;  outdoors in clean air;  not dirty on the job;  essential task;  leave this country a little cleaner;  respect for trashmen.

13 Paraphrase Paraphrase Translation Translation Structure Structure

14 BOOK1 Unit6 BOOK1 1. My shoulder hurt wickedly each time I put another full barrel on it, and my legs occasionally trembled as I was heading to the street. (L2) Paraphrase Each time when I put another full barrel of trash on my shoulder, my shoulder ached badly, and sometimes my legs even shook as I was walking to the street. Structure My shoulder hurt wickedly. My legs occasionally trembled. Each time I put another full barrel on it. As I was heading to the street. Translation 每次我将满满的一桶垃圾扛上肩,肩膀就疼得厉 害,有时候扛着垃圾朝街上走,腿都打颤。 When?

15 BOOK1 Unit6 BOOK1 2. I said hello in quite a few yards before the message registered that this wasn’t normally done. (L14) Translation 我隔着好几码说了声 “ 你好 ” ,可马上意识到这不合常 理。 Paraphrase When I said hello to them, in many yards around the home where I collected garbage, people’s nonverbal responses lead me to understand that I shouldn’t have spoken to them.

16  Word Using Word Using  Old to New Old to New  Chinese to English Chinese to English

17 BOOK1 Unit6 BOOK1 I. Old to New  unable to hear  completely different from  painful from a wound  without a stop  first, earliest  honest  unable to escape  speak too proudly of  serious, morally wrong continuous original deaf contrary to frank boast about sore wicked be in for

18 BOOK1 Unit6 BOOK1 register retreat spontaneously yell response  escape  record; show  that happens in a natural way  shout out  a reply, an action done in answer I. Old to New

19 BOOK1 Unit6 BOOK1  go to  match;suit  feel embarrassed  shake uncontrollably  easy to talk to  visit a number of people or places head to go with be ashamed of tremble approachable make the rounds I. Old to New

20 BOOK1 Unit6 BOOK1 II. Chinese to English haul trash for four solid hours continuously cannot image there will be joy in it look sb. in the eye be in for trouble o 整整四小时持续 不停地运送垃圾 o 想象不到其中的 乐趣 o 直视某人 o 肯定会倒霉

21 BOOK1 Unit6 BOOK1 Chinese to English exchange greetings that go with civilized ways The theory will not hold water. call for respect for both the economists and the trashmen o 有礼貌地互相问好 o 这理论将行不通 。 o 要求既尊重经济学家, 也尊敬垃圾清理工

22 BOOK1 Unit6 BOOK1 1. image (L6) vt. make a copy of the form of sth.; make a picture of make a picture of III. Word Using e.g. e.g. Try to image being on the moon. Translation Translation 很难设想一个没有法律的社会会是怎么 样的 。 Key It is hard to image a society without law.

23 BOOK1 Unit6 BOOK1 1. image n. a copy of object(s); mental picture of an object mental picture of an object Translation Translation 1) I cannot make an image of that old novel in my mind. 2) He is the very image of his father. Key 1) 这本小说在我脑海里的印象已经不深了。 2) 他的长相酷似他父亲。

24 BOOK1 Unit6 BOOK1 imaginary imaginative imaginable imagine 1.image imagine— 想象 imaginable— 能想象的,可想象到的 imaginary— 假象的,虚构的 imaginative— 富有想象力的 - All the troubles are __________. - an ____________ writer - every ___________ means - I didn’t __________ becoming a writer in my childhood.

25 BOOK1 Unit6 BOOK1 2. be ashamed of (L34) feel embarrassed or shamed about e.g. e.g. People should feel ashamed of polluting their environment. Translation Translation犯了这样的低级错误,我感到惭愧。 Key I feel ashamed of myself for making such a silly mistake.

26 BOOK1 Unit6 BOOK1 3. boast about/of (L34) speak too proudly of e.g. e.g. It’s disgusting to hear him boasting about/of his new car. Translation Translation他因考试得高分而洋洋得意。 Key He boasts of having got a high score on the exam.

27 BOOK1 Unit6 BOOK1 4. contrary to (L42) completely different from e.g. e.g. Contrary to what the fans had expected, the football team lost. Translation Translation他不听医生的忠告,跑去游泳。 Key Contrary to his doctor’s advice, he went swimming.

28 BOOK1 Unit6 BOOK1 5. be in for (L47) unable to escape; sure to get or have Translation Translation The weather report says we are in for a storm. Key天气预报说将有风暴。

29  What is a trashman’s routine work? What do they dump?

30 BOOK1 Unit6 BOOK1 Dump Lift Walk

31 BOOK1 Unit6 BOOK1 walk up and down a street enter the houses' gardens collect a dustbin take it out to the dustcart empty it replace the bin from exactly where it came and normally suffer from being looked down upon

32 BOOK1 Unit6 BOOK1 What do they dump? Garbage: The by-products of animal or vegetable foodstuffs, resulting from the handling or preparation of food or other matter which is subject to decomposition, decay, putrefaction or the generation of noxious or offensive gases and odors.

33 BOOK1 Unit6 BOOK1 Litter: Litter is misplaced, not containerized, man-made or used solid waste. Litter is also a dirty, ugly, costly mess!

34 BOOK1 Unit6 BOOK1 Household Trash: Any waste accumulation of paper, sweepings, dust, rags, bottles, discarded toys and small appliances, cans or similar materials attendant to housekeeping, excluding garbage.

35 BOOK1 Unit6 BOOK1 Yard Trash: includes leaves, grass trimmings, shrubbery trimming, excluding garbage. It does not include dirt, rocks, stumps,large automotive parts and the like.

36 BOOK1 Unit6 BOOK1 Bulky Household Trash: Any waste accumulation of bulky items such as stoves, refrigerators, washers, dryers, water heaters, sofas, box springs, carpets and similar items.

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