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ASPIRE ASPIRE Active Student Participation Inspires Real Engagement Family Presentation “Place school Name here” Presented by:

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Presentation on theme: "ASPIRE ASPIRE Active Student Participation Inspires Real Engagement Family Presentation “Place school Name here” Presented by:"— Presentation transcript:

1 ASPIRE ASPIRE Active Student Participation Inspires Real Engagement Family Presentation “Place school Name here” Presented by:

2 ASPIRE A Collaborative Initiative between The Georgia Department of Education, Division for Special Education Services and Supports and The Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities Funded by the Georgia State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG), Georgia Department of Education through a grant from the Office of Special Education Programs, United States Department of Education.



5 ASPIRE Active Student Participation Inspires Real Engagement Student involvement in education planning. Student engagement. Student directed. Self determination.

6 Self-Determination: In Plain English Knowing and believing in yourself. Knowing what you want in the future AND making plans to achieve those goals. Knowing and asking for the supports you need to achieve your goals. Knowing how to make choices and decisions to improve your quality of life.

7 Strengths / Challenges

8 Sifts the focus from adult-centered to student centered. Gives the student more control over their education. Increases student and family involvement and representation in the IEP process. The Advantages of Student-Led IEPs

9 They will learn to set goals for the future. They will develop a greater interest in achieving their goals. They will acquire self-esteem, self-advocacy skills and social skills. They can see how many people are working to help them to be successful. Why Should Your Child Take Control?

10 Self-Determined Develops By… …knowing your rights and responsibilities. …setting goals for the future. …making choices about everyday activities. …understanding your strengths, challenges, likes and dislikes. …understanding your accommodations.

11 Requires the engagement of : the student, the family, and the school. A Team Effort


13 The IEP is… a document that states the services your child will receive and where they will receive them. developed by a committee that includes you, your child, teachers, school administrators and other professional service providers. an important tool that guides your child’s educational progress from year to year.

14 Student Information. Student’s eligibility area. disability category. Date for annual review. Members of the IEP team. Important Parts of the IEP…

15 Present Level of Performance (PLOP). Meaningful, measurable annual goals. Results of evaluations and assessments. Accommodations needed. Services and supports to be provided. Important Parts of the IEP…

16 The IGP is… an individual graduation plan required for ALL STUDENTS by the Bridge Law (May 2010). developed with the student, parents, guardians or individuals appointed by the parents or guardians to serve as their designee. focused on career awareness, career interest inventories, and information to assist students in evaluating their academic skills and career interests. flexible enough to allow changes in the course of study and still meet graduation requirements.

17 be based on the student’s selected academic and career focus area as approved by the student’s parent or guardian. include experience based, career oriented learning experiences. include postsecondary opportunities through dual enrollment and joint enrollment. align educational and career goals to the student’s course of study. The IGP must…

18 IGP: – Information is used to create the pathway to successful post-secondary outcome for all students. IEP: – Uses information from the IGP to inform the transition IEP process. ASPIRE: – Helps the student to develop the skills needed to participate in both meetings in a meaningful way. Working Together


20 …your child creating an invitation and introducing themselves and others at the meeting. clicking a mouse to move from one slide to the next in a Power Point presentation. discussing strengths, challenges and goals for their life after high school. facilitating the IEP meeting and mentoring other students. Just Imagine…

21 ...they are participating in a student led IEP If Your Child Does Any of These,…

22 Student-Led IEP Meeting What are students, parents and teachers saying about student-led IEPs? (“Determined Student Involvement in IEP”) Georgia Students’ PSA: Your Voice

23 How Can You Help? Learn the ASPIRE concepts. NEXT Talk to your child about: IEP goals. accommodations. Encourage them to do the activities needed to participate in the meeting. Prepare for the IEP using the Pre-Planning Meeting handout.

24 Focus on the Positive: We all have unique strengths, talents, gifts, interests and learning differences. Recognize that your child is more like typical kids than different. Use people-first language and language the student will understand.

25 Supporting Self-Determination Discuss role models and coping and learning strategies. Set high, but reasonable expectations. Praise progress and effort. Encourage them to speak up for themselves.

26 What’s Next?

27 What the Teacher Does Trains the student in ASPIRE concepts. Assesses the student’s IEP/IGP skills. Gives student an interest inventory. Teaches needed skills and IEP/IGP terminology. Plans the meeting(s) with the student.

28 What’s Next? Attend the ASPIRE meetings set up by the school. Expect follow-up from Teacher and /or Parent Mentor Attend the IEP meeting and be actively involved. Complete the Survey.

29 ASPIRE Parent Survey

30 Resources Georgia Parent Mentor Partnership Find: Success Stories Transition Information Statewide Parent Events Parent Mentor Contact Information Videos

31 Resources Parent to Parent of Georgia Find: Parent Training and Information Family Support 360 Project Georgia Transition Councils P2P Roadmap to Success

32 Resources ASPIRE (Active Student Participation Inspires Real Engagement) Find: News Resources Parent Training Videos / Modules Assessment/Special-Education-Services/Pages/ASPIRE- Videos.aspx Assessment/Special-Education-Services/Pages/ASPIRE- Videos.aspx

33 Additional Resources I’m Determined: Student-Led IEP: Why is this Cake on Fire? this-cake-on-fire.pdf GaDOE Transition Manual: Assessment/Special-Education-Services/Pages/Sp-Ed- Transition-Manual.aspx Assessment/Special-Education-Services/Pages/Sp-Ed- Transition-Manual.aspx

34 Additional Resources Overview of IEP and IGP Video: Assessment/Special-Education-Services/Pages/ASPIRE-Videos.aspx Assessment/Special-Education-Services/Pages/ASPIRE-Videos.aspx Bridge Brochure: Assessment/Special-Education-Services/Pages/ASPIRE-Videos.aspx Assessment/Special-Education-Services/Pages/ASPIRE-Videos.aspx NICHY: Student Guide to the IEP:

35 Thank you for coming to learn about ASPIRE and how your child can be more actively involved in their IEP meeting and in planning their own future!

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