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An Effort to Increase Organs Transplanted per Donor Dorrie Dils 2/20/08.

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Presentation on theme: "An Effort to Increase Organs Transplanted per Donor Dorrie Dils 2/20/08."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Effort to Increase Organs Transplanted per Donor Dorrie Dils 2/20/08

2 Challenges Taking care of the nearly brain dead patient Ensuring that donation remained a viable option for families or for the donor themselves Hospital is a Transplant Center: better serving the transplant community

3 The plan Tackled it from the before and after brain death point Pre Brain Death: –Did education about pre donor management guidelines –Good critical care medicine –Ensured that the time from loss of reflexes to brain death was shortened. –Involved the OPO when trigger met

4 The Plan continued… After Brain Death –Support given to ensure timeliness of tests –System in place to ensure access to experts ie lung tx and heart tx surgeons

5 The Results In 2006: Hospital had a 2.7 OTPD (22) In 2006: 3.87 (24)

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