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Keep School Neat and Clean

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Presentation on theme: "Keep School Neat and Clean"— Presentation transcript:

1 Keep School Neat and Clean

2 WHAT? When you keep your school neat and clean you don’t do anything that would make the school dirty or messy. If you see someone else has made the school dirty or messy, you help make the school neat and clean again.

3 Example Person is walking carrying books with papers inside. A paper falls out. Person picks up the paper.

4 Non-Examples Person is walking carrying books with papers inside. A paper falls out. Person shrugs and walks on.

5 Discussion What are some ways you can help keep the school clean?
How does it make you feel to work in a clean workspace compared to a disorganized and dirty workspace?

6 Example Person is walking and sees papers lying on the floor. Person picks up papers and disposes of them in the nearest trashcan.

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