Improvements Ales Sturala. Maintenance Money put in the vault Invalid cards taken from stack Forgotten money taken from vault Reading log from ATM software.

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Presentation on theme: "Improvements Ales Sturala. Maintenance Money put in the vault Invalid cards taken from stack Forgotten money taken from vault Reading log from ATM software."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improvements Ales Sturala

2 Maintenance Money put in the vault Invalid cards taken from stack Forgotten money taken from vault Reading log from ATM software

3 GUI How software communicates with GUI? – Messages – Predefined set of screens

4 Hardware interconnections Diagram what hardware actually is connected to another hardware How are connected – What about different HW?

5 Out of order Out of order mode underspecified – What if the error is in software? – What if error occurs in connection? – What happens with card cash in input drawer money in a slot

6 Modularity Underspecified how system actually can support only subset of services What HW / SW can be missing How parts of the software depend on HW modules in particular ATM – Including GUI

7 Currency support How to set supported currencies What HW must be changed to support new currencies What SW must be changed to support new currencies (including HW firmware)

8 Messages Structure of the messages Hardware dependent / general messages?

9 Specification Missing comprehensive specification – State diagram? – Use case diagrams? – Sequential diagrams?

10 The end

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