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Tuesday, March 1, 2016 1. Warm-Up Learning Target 2. DGP(week 8) 3. Writing Awesome Introductions Notes 4. Practice Sheet Due at the end of class 5. Practice—Quick.

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday, March 1, 2016 1. Warm-Up Learning Target 2. DGP(week 8) 3. Writing Awesome Introductions Notes 4. Practice Sheet Due at the end of class 5. Practice—Quick."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday, March 1, 2016 1. Warm-Up Learning Target 2. DGP(week 8) 3. Writing Awesome Introductions Notes 4. Practice Sheet Due at the end of class 5. Practice—Quick writes & reviews on doc. Camera 6. Turn in practice sheet

2 Learning Target Learning what the writing requirements for high school graduation are and how to meet them

3 MUG Shot preparing our dinner the smell of chicken made Ben hungry Thaddeus a brilliant student will probably get a higher grade then i will Toby remarked

4 MUG Shot-Corrections While Ben prepared preparing our dinner, the smell of chicken made Ben him hungry. “Thaddeus, a brilliant student, will probably get a higher grade then than I will,” Toby remarked.

5 3 Elements to Introduction 1. Hook/Grabber *Shocking Statement *Famous Quote *Metaphor/analogy/anecdote *Vivid, descriptive sensory language *Dialogue 2.Background Information 3.Thesis Statement *Main point that states your opinion *Roadmap to the essay

6 Shocking Statement Nobody likes to be ripped off. However, it happens, especially with airlines. A good case in point involves the fare from West Palm Beach, Florida, to Washington, D.C. One company, for example, charges $89, another $149, and still another $279. Each imposes restrictions, but the mind is boggled by the dramatic differences in price for exactly the same service between exactly the same cities. I find it puzzling that the airline industry is able to get away with pricing that appear whimsical at best and downright unfair at worst.

7 Famous Quote A wise person once said, “No matter what you’re trying to say, someone else has probably said it better.”

8 Personal Anecdote Just like most nights at Wilkinson County EMS, it was slow. I had already settled in for the night, not really expecting to do anything else for the remainder of my shift. My partner, Ken, had already gone to bed and was sleeping soundly. I snuggled deeper under the covers, and slowly began to drift off to sleep, when suddenly the emergency bell sounded, letting us know that there was an emergency call and we needed to respond. I had no idea that this emergency call would result in me meeting the man that I would want to spend the rest of my life with.

9 Sensory Grandmother Workman lurched over and grabbed the pale skin of Randal’s thin forearm with her leathery hand. The folds and creases beneath her skin coiled themselves out like electrical wiring, like the bloated, roughly-textured relief map of the world that his mother just posted above his bedside table.

10 Dialogue For as long as I can remember, I have loved to read. When I was younger, books were my escape. I could really relate to the characters and would get lost in various stories for hours at a time. If I had a bad day, I would curl up with a book.

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