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Oceans.  Pacific  largest  Atlantic  Indian  Arctic  smallest Name the Oceans.

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Presentation on theme: "Oceans.  Pacific  largest  Atlantic  Indian  Arctic  smallest Name the Oceans."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oceans

2  Pacific  largest  Atlantic  Indian  Arctic  smallest Name the Oceans

3  Topography  physical features on the surface of Earth  Bathymetry  measurement of ocean depths Key Terms to Know

4  1872-1876  First understanding of ocean floor’s topography  Measured water depth  Long, weighted line HMS Challenger

5  Sonar  sound wave transmitted to bottom of ocean, time how long it takes for wave to return to ship  Satellites  measure shape of ocean’s surface, surface not flat because gravity attracts water toward regions with massive features  Submersibles  collect data about areas of ocean that were previously unreachable, Record video & photos, first used 1934, remotely operated vehicles (ROVs)  Technology Used Today

6  Continental margin  Ocean basin  mid-ocean ridges Regions of Ocean Floor

7  Continental Shelf  gently sloping submerged surface extending from shoreline, mineral deposits, oil & natural gas  Continental Slope  steeper than shelf, boundary between continental and oceanic crust  Continental Rise  steepness of the slope drops Continental Margins

8 Continental Margin

9  Submarine canyons cut into slope  Turbidity currents  movement of dense, sediment- rich water down the slope, causes erosion Continental Slope

10  Between continental margin and mid-ocean ridge  Deep-ocean trenches  long, narrow creases that form deepest parts of ocean, convergent plate boundaries  Abyssal Plains  deep, extremely flat  Seamounts & Guyots  submerged volcanic peaks Ocean Basin Floor


12  You tell me Mid-Ocean Ridges

13  Terrigenous Sediment  originates on land  Biogenous Sediment  originates from biological source  Calcareous ooze  calcium carbonate shells of organisms (like foraminfera), thick mud consistency  Siliceous ooze  shells of diatoms (single-celled algae) & radiolarians (single-celled animals)  Hydrogenous Sediment  originates from crystallized minerals Seafloor Sediments

14 Biogenous Sediment

15 Foraminifera, Diatoms & Radiolarians

16 Ocean Sediments Distribution

17  Oil & Natural Gas  Ancient remains of microscopic organisms  Buried in marine sediments before they could decompose  Transformed into oil by heat & pressure  What is a possible environmental concern with oil drilling? Energy Resources

18  Gas Hydrates  compact chemical structures made of water & natural gas  Bacteria break down organic matter trapped in sediment  Produce methane gas, ethane, & propane  Combine with water in sediments and traps the gas inside  Can be used as an energy source  Difficult to use because rapidly break down Energy Resources

19  Sand & Gravel  fill in landfills, recreational beaches, concrete Other Resources

20  Manganese Nodules  contain manganese, iron, copper, nickel, & cobalt  Economic uses  Produce metal alloys  Not economically profitable unless there is a large amount of manganese nodules Other Resources

21  Evaporative Salts  salt precipitates out of solution  Common table salt (halite) Other Resources

22  The Value of the Deep Sea and Its Resources  Sea Change for Ocean Resource Management Readings

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