Reciprocal Accountability: Using a Comprehensive Assessment System to Support Competency Decisions and Accountability Determinations Paul Leather, NH Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Reciprocal Accountability: Using a Comprehensive Assessment System to Support Competency Decisions and Accountability Determinations Paul Leather, NH Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reciprocal Accountability: Using a Comprehensive Assessment System to Support Competency Decisions and Accountability Determinations Paul Leather, NH Department of Education David Cook, KY Department of Education Dan French, Center for Collaborative Education Scott Marion, National Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment CCSSO Conference on Student Assessment, June 2015 1

2 An Evolving National Model of Accountability Accountability 1.0, driven by NCLB Accountability 2.0, driven by states and fueled by RTT and efforts to align to CCR ESEA Waivers ESEA Waiver Renewal Accountability 3.0 Examples of attributes: Include best measures for full range of CCR knowledge and skills, including new assessment models; Promote shifts in teaching and learning toward personalization, competency, project-based, etc.; Balance and connect student outcome determinations to key inputs and diagnostic review to drive supports based on evidence 2 Early state accountability systems

3 Key Elements of an Accountability System 3 51 st State White Paper, 2014 Darling-Hammond, Wilhoit, Pittenger & Innovation!

4 4 “Accountability must be a reciprocal process. For every increment of performance I demand from you, I have an equal responsibility to provide you with the capacity to meet that expectation. Likewise, for every investment you make in my skill and knowledge, I have a reciprocal responsibility to demonstrate some new increment in performance.” (Elmore, 2002).(Elmore, 2002)

5 A Responsibility System New Hampshire is interested in fostering more internally- oriented approaches to accountability (responsibility; greater emphasis on multiple forms of assessments). If NH education is going to move from good to great on a large scale, we need to foster a continuous improvement mindset that supports local agency and excellence. Can we imagine a mutual “responsibility system” that is designed to support local agency and potentially looks different across schools? 5

6 Reorienting Policy: External to Internal Research on organizational change/reform and human learning supports the notion that real change/learning must be internally motivated. “Drive (motivation) is fueled by a combination of autonomy, mastery and purpose.” (Daniel Pink) Yet, current accountability systems, whether motivated by ESEA waivers or state designed, are all essentially externally oriented. 6

7 Partners in the NH PACE Pilot ~ 7 PACE Policy Committee Sanborn Rochester Epping Souhegan Pittsfield Monroe Concord Seacoast Charter

8 Reciprocal Responsibility NH DOE has a vested interest in seeing these leading edge districts succeed Considerable technical support will be provided to: – Conceptualize the local design – Prepare an application to NH DOE – Design/select assessments and other local measures (e.g., surveys) – Conduct the relevant data analyses – Support the review of local systems – Monitor outcomes and adjust the system 8

9 “RIGHT WORK AT THE RIGHT TIME But we knew….” Creating Performance Assessments to Measure Competency would take a few years. District supports and time would need to be dedicated to the work. Professional Learning Communities had to serve as the structure for teacher leadership and collaborative design of assessments. Performance Assessment would tell us more about student learning than standardized testing. Everything supported that this was the right work at the right time. In the words of Ellen Hume-Howard, Sanborn Regional School District,



12 All Four Districts…. Saw the potential and immediate evidence of Performance Assessment transforming instruction in the classroom. Understood that performance assessment was the strongest measure of student competency and exemplary skills. Recognized the connections between performance assessment and an accountability design for the district. Thought that a balance could be created Created Partnership between our District and the State DOE based on shared goals. Worked collaboratively across districts and within district to build quality assessments that met the criteria of measuring competency and the standards for accountability.

13 Today…. Four districts sharing common assessments developed through mutual interdependence and collaboration Assessments common by grade-level and course System in place to provide feedback on assessment design and quality Assessments vetted by outside experts for validity, reliability, rigor, and lack of bias Scoring and calibration processes are in place to ensure consistency across districts Professional Learning Community has expanded in scope to include colleagues from all districts

14 14 GradeELAMATHSCIENCE K-2Local PAsLocal PBA 3Smarter BalanceCommon PACE PBALocal PBA 4Common PACE PBASmarter BalanceCommon PACE PBA 5 Local PBA 6Common PACE PBA Local PBA 7Common PACE PBA Local PBA 8Smarter Balance Common PACE PBA 9 10Common PACE PBA 11Smarter Balance Common PACE PBA 12Local PBA Common and Local summative performance-based assessments and Smarter Balanced administered by grade and content areas in all PACE districts.

15 Performance Assessment of Competency Education PACE WORDLE designed by Ellen Hume-Howard

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