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Foundations of Environment Rating Scales Presented By: 1.

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2 Foundations of Environment Rating Scales Presented By: 1

3 WELCOME Introductions Format of the day 2

4 Types of Scales Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale - Revised (ITERS R) Birth through 36 months Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale - Revised (ECERS R) 37 months through entrance into 1 st grade School Age Care Environment Rating Scale (SACERS) 1 st grade though 12 years Family Child Care Environment Rating Scale-Revised (FCCERS-R) Mixed age group in a home setting 3

5 Foundations is… Required for all Early Childhood Programs participating in PA quality initiatives. Prerequisite for Professional Development of the ITERS-R, ECERS-R and SACERS 4

6 Objectives are to… receive a scale overview. learn how the scales measure quality. learn how to use the scale to conduct a self assessment. prepare participants for specific scale Professional Development. 5

7 Basic needs of children 1. Health and safety 6 2. Building positive relationships 3. Opportunities for stimulation and learning

8 Methods of Measuring Quality Regulations Standards Process quality assessments- ERS 7

9 Methods of Measuring Quality 8 Regulation Requirement for legal operation Minimum or “floor” below which no program should operate Regulations vary state to state

10 A Standard Defines a goal of practice. Carries great incentive for universal compliance. Based on scientific research and represents consensus on high quality practices. 9 Methods of Measuring Quality

11 Process Quality Assessments Are important for continuous quality. Measure success and identify areas for growth. Help set goals for high quality programs 10 Methods of Measuring Quality

12 Pennsylvania and ERS The scales: are reliable with one another have the same format with the way the data is collected and scored are internationally normed are used in all PA quality early learning initiatives 11

13 Process Quality Assessments are… A way to collect data of the day to day practices Take out the Policy vs. Practice Activity 12

14 What Does the ERS Measure? 13

15 14 Schedule What does ERS Measure? Provides needed consistency for children’s emotional well-being. Requires intentional planning Scheduling activities around curriculum Flexibility within the schedule

16 Cognitive 15 Emotional Physical Individual Interests

17 Interactions are… interwoven throughout the scale and have their own subscale 16

18 Interactions 17 Staff-child Parent-staff Child-child Staff-staff

19 Interaction Implications 18

20 Accessible Materials are… materials that children can help themselves to 19

21 Space Management places centers conveniently 20 Analyzes traffic patterns Provides the ability to move freely and

22 Space Management Quiet and noisy centers separated 21

23 Space Management Places for children to be alone 22

24 Space Management Supervision is easy 23

25 Health and Safety Cleanliness, hand washing, sanitizing, safe equipment, and safe environment 24

26 Combination of all How children interact with people, space and materials. 25

27 General Scale Organization 26

28 Scale Structure Specific Scale Subscale Items Indicators 27

29 What are indicators and how are they organized? 3. Furnishings for relaxation and comfort 1234567 1.1No soft furnishing. 3.1Some soft furnishings. 5.1Cozy area accessible for a substantial portion of the day. 7.1Soft furnishings in addition to cozy area accessible to children. 1.2No soft toys. 3.2Some soft toys. 5.2Cozy area is not used for active physical play. 7.2Many clean, soft toys accessible to children. 5.3Most soft furnishings are clean and in good repair. 28

30 How are the items scored? 7 point scale 1 Inadequate- Children may be at risk 3 Minimal- Basic health and safety 5 Good- Developmentally appropriate 7 Excellent- Enhanced developmental care 29

31 Scrambled Indicator Activity 30

32 Methods of Scoring The Rules 31 1 3 5 7

33 Rule #1 All indicators in column 1 must be scored NO (False) to move up, if any are YES (True), score is 1.  STOP SCORING. 32

34 All indicators in #1 must be scored NO to move up, if any are YES score is 1.  STOP SCORING 3. Furnishings for relaxation and comfort 1234567 1.1No soft furnishings. NO 3.1Some soft furnishings. 5.1Cozy area accessible for a substantial portion of the day. 7.1Soft furnishings in addition to cozy area accessible to children. 1.2No soft toys. YES 3.2Some soft toys. 5.2 5.3 Cozy area is not used for active physical play. Most soft furnishings are clean and in good repair. 7.2Many clean, soft toys accessible to children. 33

35 Rule #2 To receive a score of 3, 5, or 7 all indicators for those columns must be scored YES.  CONTINUE TO NEXT LEVEL. 34

36 All indicators in column 1 must be scored NO to move up. To receive a score of 3, 5, or 7 all indicators for those columns must be scored Yes.  CONTINUE TO NEXT LEVEL 3. Furnishings for relaxation and comfort 1234567 1.1No soft furnishings. NO 3.1Some soft furnishings. YES 5.1Cozy area accessible for a substantial portion of the day. YES 7.1Soft furnishings in addition to cozy area accessible to children. YES 1.2No soft toys. NO 3.2Some soft toys. YES 5.2 5.3 Cozy area is not used for active physical play. YES Most soft furnishings are clean and in good repair. YES 7.2Many clean, soft toys accessible to children. YES 35

37 Rule #3 When you answer NO (False) to any indicators in columns 3, 5, or 7 finish ONLY that column and score:  If HALF or MORE are YES (True), go back one point.  If LESS than HALF are YES (True), go back two points. 36

38 When you answer NO to indicators under the 3, 5, or 7, finish scoring ONLY the indicators under that column.  If HALF or MORE are answered YES, go back one point. 3. Furnishings for relaxation and comfort 1234567 1.1No soft furnishings. NO 3.1Some soft furnishings. YES 5.1Cozy area accessible for a substantial portion of the day. YES 7.1Soft furnishings in addition to cozy area accessible to children. 1.2No soft toys. NO 3.2Some soft toys. YES 5.2 5.3 Cozy area is not used for active physical play. YES Most soft furnishings are clean and in good repair. NO 7.2Many clean, soft toys accessible to children. 37

39 38 When you answer NO to indicators under the 3, 5, or 7, finish scoring ONLY the indicators under that column.  If less than half are answered YES, go back two points. 3. Furnishings for relaxation and comfort 1234567 1.1No soft furnishings. NO 3.1Some soft furnishings. YES 5.1Cozy area accessible for a substantial portion of the day. YES 7.1Soft furnishings in addition to cozy area accessible to children. 1.2No soft toys. NO 3.2Some soft toys. YES 5.2Cozy area is not used for active physical play. NO 7.2Many clean, soft toys accessible to children. 5.3Most soft furnishings are clean and in good repair. NO

40 Practice Scoring Activity Directions Circle the correct score for each item reproduced. Remember to start reading from 1 (inadequate) and across to the correct score. NA’s do not count in the computation of 50% or more or in calculating the item’s score. 39

41 Environment Rating Scale Scoring All indicators in column 1 must be scored NO (False) to move up, if any are YES (True), score is 1.  STOP SCORING. To receive a score of 3, 5, or 7 all indicators for those columns must be scored YES.  CONTINUE TO NEXT LEVEL. When you answer NO (False) to any indicators in columns 3, 5, or 7 finish ONLY that column and score:  If HALF or MORE are YES (True), go back one point.  If LESS than HALF are YES (True), go back two points. 40

42 41 Practice Scoring Activity Circle the correct score for each item reproduced below. Remember to start reading from 1 (inadequate) upward to the correct score. ACTIVITIES 21. Music/movement1234567 Notes: YNYNYNYN 1.1  3.1  5.1  7.1  1.2  3.2  5.2  7.2  3.3  7.3 

43 42 Practice Scoring Activity Circle the correct score for each item reproduced below. Remember to start reading from 1 (inadequate) upward to the correct score. ACTIVITIES 22. Blocks1234567 Notes: YNYNYNYN 1.1  3.1  5.1  7.1  3.2  5.2  7.2  3.3  5.3  7.3  5.4 

44 43 Practice Scoring Activity Circle the correct score for each item reproduced below. Remember to start reading from 1 (inadequate) upward to the correct score. ACTIVITIES 23. Sand/water1234567 Notes: YNYNYNYN 1.1  3.1  5.1  7.1  1.2  3.2  5.2  7.2  5.3 

45 44 Practice Scoring Activity Circle the correct score for each item reproduced below. Remember to start reading from 1 (inadequate) upward to the correct score. ACTIVITIES 24. Dramatic Play1234567 Notes: YNYNYNYN 1.1  3.1  5.1  7.1  3.2  5.2  7.2  3.3  5.3  7.3  5.4  7.4 

46 45 Practice Scoring Activity Circle the correct score for each item reproduced below. Remember to start reading from 1 (inadequate) upward to the correct score. ACTIVITIES 25. Nature/science1234567 Notes: YNYNYNYN 1.1  3.1  5.1  7.1  3.2  5.2  7.2  3.3  5.3  5.4 

47 46 Practice Scoring Activity Circle the correct score for each item reproduced below. Remember to start reading from 1 (inadequate) upward to the correct score. ACTIVITIES 26. Math/number1234567 Notes: YNYNYNYN 1.1  3.1  5.1  7.1  1.2  3.2  5.2  7.2  5.3  5.4 

48 47 Practice Scoring Activity Circle the correct score for each item reproduced below. Remember to start reading from 1 (inadequate) upward to the correct score. ACTIVITIES 27. Use of TV, video, and or computer 1234567NA YNYNYN YN 1.1  3.1  5.1  7.1  1.2  3.2  5.2  7.2  3.3  5.3  5.4 

49 48 Practice Scoring Activity Circle the correct score for each item reproduced below. Remember to start reading from 1 (inadequate) upward to the correct score. ACTIVITIES 28. Promoting acceptance of diversity 1234567 Notes: YNYNYNYN 1.1  3.1  5.1  7.1  1.2  3.2  5.2  7.2  1.3  3.3 

50 Subscale and Final Scores 49 PRACTICE: Calculate the Activities subscale score. Calculate the final score. Transfer the subscale score to the last page of the score sheet. Items scored NA do not count in the subscale or final score.

51 Subscale Score Sample Subscale Activities has 10 items 50 19. Fine Motor424. Dramatic play1 20. Art725. Nature/science5 21. Music/movement426. Math/number3 22. Blocks327. Use of TV, video, computer 7 23. Sand/water628. Promoting diversity1 Total41 Total score is 41 Total items scored = 10 41 divided by 10 = 4.10 4.10 is the score for this subscale

52 Final Score Sample Score # Items Average Space and Furnishings38 8 4.75 Personal Care15 6 2.50 Language/Reasoning24 4 6.00 Activities41 10 4.10 Interaction25 5 5.00 Program Structure 10 3 3.33 Parents & Staff35 6 5.83 ________________________________________________________ ADD each column 188 42 DIVIDE total score by total number of items 188 divided by 42 equals 4.48 FINAL score = 4.48 51

53 Star Quality Activity 52 1._____________ 2._________ 3.___________ 4.__________ 5.__________

54 PA Early Learning Initiatives and the ERS 53

55 Assessment Process Designation Visit 54

56 Assessment Process ERS Validation Forms 55

57 Assessment Process 4 Week Window 56

58 Assessment Process Day Of Observation 57

59 Assessment Process Summary Report 58

60 CQI FOCUS….. CQI is the abbreviation for “Continuous Quality Improvement” 59 Star 4 Star 3 Star 2 Star 1

61 CQI is a Team Approach to…. Evaluating early learning environments Establishing plans for improvement Implementing plans for improvement Measuring progress Reflecting and re-evaluating 60

62 CQI is not… A Band-aid or a quick fix A plan that is not implemented A plan driven only by one person A plan that is put in place to only meet requirements A performance 61

63 62

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