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Radiosity for an environment in which all the surfaces are perfectly diffuse reflectors.

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Presentation on theme: "Radiosity for an environment in which all the surfaces are perfectly diffuse reflectors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Radiosity for an environment in which all the surfaces are perfectly diffuse reflectors

2 Radiosity Equation N patches numbered 1 to n b i - Radiosity of patch i - is the light intensity per unit area leaving the patch. a i - Area of patch i e i - Emitted intensity of patch i f ij – form factor between patches i and j ρ i - Reflectivity of patch i Reciprocity Equation f ij a i = f ji a j See Slide 6 & 11 of Radiosity Overview at Siggraph websiteRadiosity Overview at Siggraph website



5 Solving the Radiosity Equation Direct Methods: Gaussian elimination, Iterative methods: Jacobi’s method, Gauss_Seidel method See Slide 11 of Radiosity Overview Part 2 at Siggraph websiteRadiosity Overview Part 2 at Siggraph website

6 Computing Form Factors See Slide 7 of form factors at Siggraph websiteform factors at Siggraph website


8 Hemishpere and HemiCube See Slides 8 &9 of form factors at Siggraph websiteform factors at Siggraph website

9 Nusselt Analog


11 Carrying Out Radiosity Divide the scene into a mesh of patches Compute form factors Establish the radiosity equation Solve the radiosity equation

12 Division of Surface into Patches

13 Siggraph Website on Radiosity erials/HyperGraph/radiosity/overview_1. htm erials/HyperGraph/radiosity/overview_1. htm

14 Power Wall – Large-Scale Rendering

15 Sort_Middle Rendering

16 Sort-Last Rendering

17 An Example

18 Composition Binary-Tree CompositingBinary-Swap Compositing

19 Sort-First Rendering

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