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P060 Adjustments OSPS Year-end Mini Conference. 2 Use P060 to Adjust: Taxes (Agency Requests; OSPS Enters) –Adjustments due to November or December double-

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Presentation on theme: "P060 Adjustments OSPS Year-end Mini Conference. 2 Use P060 to Adjust: Taxes (Agency Requests; OSPS Enters) –Adjustments due to November or December double-"— Presentation transcript:

1 P060 Adjustments OSPS Year-end Mini Conference

2 2 Use P060 to Adjust: Taxes (Agency Requests; OSPS Enters) –Adjustments due to November or December double- calc in two tax years –Outstanding balances under $10 –Hours worked outside of Oregon PERS (Agency Enters) –Retirement Program Changes –Subject Wage –Employee Contribution –Employer Contribution

3 3 Taxes Adjustments for Double-Calcs Use P050 and P070 to reverse double- calc Check P370. If the WBF, FIT, or SIT taxes don’t match the original double-calc you’re reversing, you’ll need a P060 adjustment. Send detail to Kathyron Parsons –Do the math –Request adjustment –Tell her which pay period to use –Briefly summarize why you need an adjustment

4 4 Taxes Balances Under $10 OSPS can adjust FIT or SIT for employees with an outstanding balance (positive OR negative) that is under $10 –Check P090 FIT or SIT – must have something there in order to adjust Reports: –Net Pay Negative ReportNet Pay Negative Report –Separated Employees with Net Pay Positive AdjSeparated Employees with Net Pay Positive Adj Datamart Query: OSPS_DED table –Pull: Employee Num, Ee Dedn Amt –Filter by: Pay Period End, Nmbr Iss (=> 02), Dedn Type (9999), Ee Dedn Amt (-10,10), Dedn Desc (“NET PAY ADJ”) * Does not catch employees with only one set, but catches majority of incidences NOTE: November’s check threshold is one dollar

5 5 Taxes Hours Worked Outside of Oregon

6 6 PERS Can only correct current tax year through OSPA Entry Guide: PERS, Wage and Contribution AdjustmentsPERS, Wage and Contribution Adjustments Work with PERS Centralized Service Team representative Possible changes include: –Retirement Program (F, G, P, S, T) –Subject Wage (RSE) –Employee Contribution (RSP) –Employer Contribution (RSM) NOTE: Agency enters PERS adjustments on P060

7 7 What Questions do You Have? When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. ~Franklin D. Roosevelt

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