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Quality Research Administration Meeting May 2013.

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1 Quality Research Administration Meeting May 2013

2 Agenda SPA Announcements/Federal Update Kuali Coeus Update Subaward Update Negotiated Salary Program Nancy Lewis Barbara Inderwiesche Soheil Jadali Bruce Morgan and Stella Marks May 2013 QRAM

3 Sponsored Projects Administration Update  Federal Update Nancy Lewis Director, Sponsored Projects Administration 949.824.2897

4 NSF Update Project Reporting has transitioned to – Final, Annual, Interim and Project Outcomes reports must be prepared and submitted in – Reports submissions will not longer be available in Fastlane.

5 NSF: Automated Compliance Checks for Proposals Beginning March 18, 2013, FastLane will check for all Grant Proposal Guide (GPG) required sections of the proposal. GPG Required Sections of the Proposal: Project Summary * Project Description References Cited Biographical Sketch(es) Budget Budget Justification Current and Pending Support Facilities, Equipment & Other Resources Supplementary Documentation Data Management Plan * Postdoctoral Mentoring Plan (where applicable) * * These proposal sections are already being auto-compliance checked Project Summary * Project Description References Cited Biographical Sketch(es) Budget Budget Justification Current and Pending Support Facilities, Equipment & Other Resources Supplementary Documentation Data Management Plan * Postdoctoral Mentoring Plan (where applicable) * * These proposal sections are already being auto-compliance checked

6 NSF: Automated Compliance Checks for Proposals (cont.) Principal Investigators (PI) will receive warning messages if any of the GPG required sections are missing, however, the PI can submit the proposal to the Sponsored Projects Office (SPO) FastLane will prevent submission from the SPO, if any of the GPG required sections is missing. Proposals submitted through also must include all GPG required sections or include a document stating that the section is “Not Applicable.”

7 NIH Fiscal Policy for Grant Awards – FY 2013 FY 13 Funding Levels: – Non competing awards generally funded at levels below that indicated in the Notice of Award. Reductions may be partially restored. Commitments for continuation awards in FY 14 remain unchanged. – NIH will make every effort to keep the average size of competing awards at FY 12 levels. – NIH expects to make fewer competing awards in FY 13 Inflationary Increases for Future Years: – Inflationary increases for future years commitments will be discontinued for all completing grant awards issue in FY 13. Adjustments for special needs, such as equipment and added personnel, will continue to be accommodated. NRSA Awards: – Stipend Levels established in FY 12 will remain in effect for FY 13. Salary Limits: – Salary cap of $179,700, Executive II level, established in FY 12 will remain in effect for FY 13.

8 NIH Public Access Policy-Implications for Awards Public Access Policy-Implications for Awards : – In Spring, 2013, NIH will delay processing of non-competing continuation grant awards if publications arising from that award are not in compliance with the NIH public access policy. The award will not be processed until recipients have demonstrated compliance.

9 NIH Research Performance Progress Reports Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) – RPPR Commons Module must be used for submitting SNAP and Fellowship award progress reports with start dates on or after July 1, 2013. – Progress reports submitted in other formats will not be processed by NIH. – Failure to submit timely RPPR reports may adversely affect future funding and/or awards to the Principal Investigator.

10 Sequestration Information and Resources on SPA Homepage: – UCI senior leadership is monitoring the impact of sequestration on UCI’s contract and grants. Please forward any information regarding the impact of sequestration on grants or contracts that you administer to your Contract and Grant Officer in SPA.

11  Negotiated Salary Program Bruce Morgan Assistant Vice Chancellor for Research/Research Administration 949.824.5677 Stella Marks, JD Director, Faculty Relations and Development 949.824.0423 May 2013 QRAM

12 Questions for the Presenters Are that professors who are taking sabbatical during the next fiscal year still eligible to participate in the NSTP? Can a grant be charged for both Summer Salary and the NSTP? Does the start and end date of a grant or contract have to be July- June in order to qualify? What if it is Oct - Sept? Can an continuation award be considered for funding (or an award that will request an NCTE) mid FY be considered at all? Is that a School decision regarding risk or is there a UCOP policy regarding this situation? Does someone over a salary cap have to take a supplement for the amount between the salary cap and their new salary? April 2011 QRAM

13 Other QUESTIONS ?? May 2013 QRAM

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